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A/n Christmas decorations go up on the day after Thanksgiving (aka Black Friday), and no one can tell me otherwise.

Jasmine woke up extremely early the next morning. It was Black Friday, and she had a lot of work to do. Usually, Jasmine would get started on Thanksgiving night, but since she was at the party with Anthony, she couldn't. Jasmine got out of bed, took a shower, and put on some comfortable clothes. She went straight to her storage closet and started to pull things out, checking them off of her small list as she went. By the time she was done, half of her list had been checked off. "I can't believe we don't have any wrapping paper, Nala," Jasmine mumbled as she went to grab her purse.

A couple minutes later, Jasmine arrived at her local Walmart and went in. The store was packed with people due to the fact that there was such a big sale going on, but Jasmine was able to make her way through the crowds easily. She picked up a couple of ornament boxes, some new tree lights, wrapping paper, and some Christmas themed throw pillows before heading over to the toy section. If she was gonna be going to England for Christmas, she needed to buy gifts for her many little cousins.

After she bought gifts for her cousins, she went to find gifts for the rest of her family. She went to look for gifts for the adults. She bought her mom kitchen supplies, and she got her older cousin, Sassy, a nice bracelet. She went through the store picking up everything she thought someone would want, and when she left she basically had a gift for everyone. The only person she hadn't gotten anything for was Anthony. "I'll have to worry about that later," she thought as she walked out of the store.

When she arrived home, Jasmine immediately started to get into the Christmas spirit. She played a Christmas music playlist on Spotify, and she lit some leftover Christmas candles from last year. She made a mental note that she needed to go to Bath and Body Works later before getting started on putting up her tree. Jasmine let out a small squeal when she successfully got the tree assembled. She always struggled with it, and this was the first year she had got it without any problems. "Now for the decorations. This is the best part, Nala" she smiled as she ran over to her bags. She got all of her new ornaments and her old ornaments plus the lights. She put the lights on the tree, then the garland, and then the ornaments. She tried her best to spread the ornaments out across the tree evenly. Some spots still looked a bit more clustered than others, but overall, the tree looked pretty okay.

After that, Jasmine went out onto her small balcony and strung more Christmas lights through the railing, and she hung garland on her apartment walls. She got rid of her old, boring throw pillows and replaced them with the Christmas ones. When she finished doing that, Jasmine went inside and started to wrap her gifts. One by one, she wrapped the gifts, and one by one, they got placed under the tree.

It was time for the finishing touches. Jasmine tied a gold bow around the top branch of the tree before grabbing her star, and carefully placing it on the top of her tree. She slowly walked back and admired all of her hard work. "Nala, what do you think?" she said as she looked around.

"I know I haven't done my bedroom yet, or the bathroom, but I think this is pretty good for right now," Jasmine smiled.

Now that Jasmine was done decorating, she was very hungry. She had been so focused on Christmas she forgot she needed to eat. She looked in her fridge and found all of the ingredients for tacos. "Quick and easy," she thought. She poured some kibble in Nala's food bowl and invited Anthony over for dinner before she started to make her food.

When Anthony arrived at her house, he was shocked. "Jasmine, it hasn't even been a full day yet," he said.

"Relax. I haven't even done the backside of the apartment yet. I'm only halfway done with decorating," Jasmine told him.

"This is only half?" he asked.

"Yes, Anthony, now eat your tacos," Jasmine mumbled.

"So, you're decorating for Christmas, but you're eating tacos?"

"Of course! There's nothing better than Christmas and Tacos."

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