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A/n This chapter was needed, but it also feels like filler? I don't know how to feel about it because it's pretty terrible.

Jasmine and Anthony had become a lot closer than before after their week long trip to Puerto Rico. They had grown accustomed to being a little more touchy with each other in public and in private. At the moment, they were walking back to Anthony's apartment after a long day on set. "We don't even have anything to do," Jasmine said as they walked down the street. They were struggling to figure out something to do because they had really already done everything.

"Why don't we go see a movie?" Anthony asked. Jasmine shook her head,

"We did that yesterday."

"We could go walk somewhere?" Anthony told her.

"We're always walking. I'm tired," Jasmine said.

"How about we just make dinner... for fun?" Anthony suggested.

"Well it's only fun if we make something super difficult. We should totally make lasagna," Jasmine said.

"Lasagna isn't that hard to make," Anthony told her.

"I know, but I actually really want lasagna," Jasmine laughed.

"Okay. I guess we're making lasagna," he said.

Instead of stopping at Anthony's place, the couple continued walking to the grocery store. When they got to the store, Jasmine grabbed a cart, and they went straight to the pasta aisle. Jasmine and Anthony went through the store picking up everything they needed. Lasagna noodles, cheese, ground beef, pasta sauce, and more were all in their bags when they left.

Jasmine wanted to start cooking as soon as she got to Anthony's apartment, but she couldn't because Anthony's kitchen was a mess. "How can your kitchen be this messy? You don't even know how to cook," Jasmine asked.

"Ma came over and made dinner the night that we got back. I didn't wanna wash the dishes, so I just left them," he explained.

"Jesus, Anthony, it's been a month," Jasmine mumbled. She forced Anthony to help her as she cleaned the kitchen. Once all of the dishes were clean and the counters were wiped off, they were able to start cooking. As they were making dinner, Jasmine was definitely doing all of the work. Anthony was kind of just sitting back and watching. Cooking had never been his thing, and he wasn't about to pretend that it was.

About two hours later, the food was done. Jasmine and Anthony plated their food and sat down to have dinner in his living room. "I can't believe we've been doing this fake dating thing for so long. It's like unreal," Jasmine said through bites of her food.

"Yeah. I would've never thought you were gonna agree to it. That's why I said yes," Anthony told her. Jasmine laughed,

"I only said yes because my mom told me to." Anthony stopped eating his food and paused to think for a second.

"How would you feel about going on an actual date?" he asked.

"What?" Jasmine asked, her laughter dying down.

"How would you feel about going on a date? When I say date, I don't mean one of these fake ones that Luca plans. I want to go on an actual date, and it doesn't have to be anything extravagant. I just want it to be us. A real date," he explained. Jasmine's cheeks tinged a light shade of pink.

"I think that'd be nice," she told him.

"Really?" he asked. Jasmine nodded, and the two of them ate in silence for a while.

It took a minute, but eventually things got a little less awkward, and they were able to talk and start planning their first real date.

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