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It was the next day, and Jasmine still hadn't spoken to Anthony. She was already mad at him for even talking to the girl, but then, he also accused her of being jealous on the ride back to the hotel. It was safe to say tensions were high between the two of them. Anthony had gone down to the hotel restaurant breakfast, and Jasmine was left alone to vent to Chante. She hadn't had many chances to talk to her friend since she left New York, so she figured she should take advantage of Anthony being out of the room while she could. "Tay, I'm not jealous right?" she asked her friend.

"Well..." Chante started. Jasmine gasped before her friend could finish speaking,

"I am totally not jealous. I don't even have anything to be jealous of. He's just inconsiderate. I mean he could've seriously ruined the plan yesterday," Jasmine said as she chewed on some gummies she found,

"I don't understand why she wanted to talk to her anyway. She wasn't pretty, and she looked rude." Chante laughed a little,

"Jas, I really want to be with you on this, 'I'm not jealous,' thing, but I can't because you keep talking about the girl," she told her.

"What does that have to do with me being jealous?"

"Jasmine, if you weren't jealous, you wouldn't have said anything bad about the girl. You're only mad because he was talking to her and not you," Chante explained.

"And why would I want him to talk to me?" Jasmine asked.

"I don't know. That's a question you need to ask yourself," Chante mumbled.

"Whatever, Chante, I've gotta go. I think I hear Anthony coming," Jasmine said, hanging up the phone.

As if on cue, Anthony walked into the room as soon as the phone call was over. Jasmine looked away from him when he sat on the bed. They were both waiting for the other to apologize in some way; shape; or form, and until someone did, they were trying their very best to ignore each other. "If it's okay with you, I would like to go see some old friends who's currently in Isabela today. If I go, you have to go as well because of the fake dating situation," Anthony explained.

"So now you care about the fake dating," Jasmine thought as she rolled her eyes. She held her comments in and responded,

"That's fine." The two of them finished getting ready for the day in silence, and when they were ready, Jasmine; Anthony; and Nala took the almost two hour ride from San Juan to Isabela.

When they arrived in Isabela, they took a short walk to the hotel Anthony's friend was staying in. The hotel was on a beach, and since Jasmine didn't know who his friend was, she decided to walk on the beach instead of meeting these mystery people. She walked down the shore with Nala until she came to a small cliff. She sat down and looked out at the water. "You know I hate to say it, but Anthony was right about this place being prettier than San Juan," Jasmine said to Nala. The dog crawled into her lap and let Jasmine pet her.

Jasmine's peace didn't last for long because a couple minutes later, Anthony and his friends came to talk to her. "Jasmine, this is Lin and Vanessa. Lin and Vanessa, this is Jasmine," he introduced them.

"Hi," Jasmine said, shaking Lin's hand.

"Hello," Lin said.

"Hi! You are gorgeous," Vanessa said, hugging Jasmine. Jasmine was a bit startled by how friendly she was,

"Uh, thank you. You're very pretty as well." The four of them continued talking until lunch time. Lin and Vanessa had other things to do, and Anthony wanted to get some writing in before they went back to San Juan. That left Jasmine to get lunch by herself.

She walked into this small, random restaurant that she saw online and ordered two sandwiches. She had decided she was going to be nice and buy Anthony something to eat. Jasmine was kind of hoping that being nice might ease some of the tension between them. "I don't see why he won't just apologize," she thought as she ate her food, "He was so obviously wrong." She finished her food and walked around town looking in shops and stores until it got kind of late. Jasmine walked back onto the beach around seven p.m..

"I got you a sandwich," she said when she finally got to Anthony.

"Thanks," he mumbled, not looking up from his notebook. Jasmine sat on the beach beside him and started to look through all of her bags for the receipts. She had actually spent quite a bit more money than she intended to, but did Anthony really need to know that. No. He didn't.

She went to put the receipts in the trash, and when she came back, Anthony pulled her over to sit on his lap. "What are you doing?" Jasmine asked, trying to move away from him.

"Act like this is normal. There are cameras over there," he told her. Jasmine looked over to see a small group of people pointing cameras and taking pictures of them. She stopped trying to move away from him, and relaxed into his arms. If she wasn't still mad at him, she'd actually think that it was nice.

A couple hours later, Jasmine and Anthony walked back into their hotel room in San Juan. They were both extremely tired. Jasmine put a sleeping Nala back into her carrying case, and went to get into the shower. After she was done getting ready for bed, Anthony went to do his little night time routine. The entire time he was getting ready, Anthony was thinking about how their day had gone, and he had come to a very important decision. He needed to be the bigger person.

Even though he personally felt that he hadn't done anything wrong, he figured the best thing to do would be to apologize. When he walked back into the main part of their room, Jasmine was up and scrolling on her phone. Once they were both in bed, she put her phone up and turned out the lamp on her bedside table. Anthony did the same. "Hey, Jas," he said in the darkness.


"I'm sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have talked to the girl. I could've ruined the plan, and I shouldn't have said you were jealous either," he apologized. Jasmine was a bit surprised. Even though she didn't think she was in the wrong, she never expected him to actually apologize. Now that he had, she felt kind of off.

"Thanks for apologizing, and I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have handled things the way I did. I saw you talking to that girl, and I let my jealousy take over. The situation really wasn't as serious as I was making it out to be," she responded without thinking. Jasmine smiled when she felt Anthony grab her hand. 

"Apology accepted, Jas," he smiled. The two of them started making their way back into the city, so that they could get a car back to their hotel for the night.

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