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Jasmine and Anthony were about three days into their trip to Puerto Rico, and Anthony was starting to get bored. Most of the things Luca had set up for them to do were related to history, and as we all know, Anthony does not really enjoy learning.

Luckily enough for him, Luca planned for them to go to one of PR's many water parks. Anthony woke up before Jasmine that morning, and he decided it would be best to take Nala outside. He hooked her on the leash, and walked her out to the beach. "It's so nice out here in the mornings," he said to himself.

When Anthony got back to the hotel room, he heard the sound of the shower running and immediately knew that Jasmine was up. "You are a really big dog," Anthony mumbled as he tried to put Nala back in her carrying case. The dog started barking when he closed her in the cage.

"Shut up," Anthony said.

"How dare you tell my child to shut up. Don't ever say that to her again," Jasmine said walking out of the bathroom. Nala barked and Jasmine let her out of the cage.

"I just put her in there," Anthony told Jasmine.

"Okay?" she responded. Jasmine sat down on the bed and started pulling her many makeup products out of her bag.

"You know we're going to a waterpark right? All of that is gonna melt off of your face," he said.

"Majority of this stuff is waterproof, and I don't plan to do anything crazy. I'll probably just float in the lazy river or a pool all day," Jasmine explained.

"That sounds hella boring," Anthony told her.

"Well I think it sounds very relaxing. I have some reading to catch up on anyway. I think I'm just gonna bring my book so that I can read by the pool," she said more to herself than to Anthony. He just ignored her and started making a mental list of all of the water slides he was going to get on.

When the two of them arrived at the park, they were in very different moods. Anthony was super excited. He had always loved water parks, and he had always loved Puerto Rico. This day was combining the two, so he was beyond ready to go inside. Jasmine on the other hand was not happy about this at all. She hated water parks. They're loud, there are kids everywhere, and everyone is always splashing water. Jasmine tried to avoid going to them at all costs, but she couldn't get out of it today. They had been doing things she liked doing all week, and now it was her turn to suffer.

Upon entering the park, Anthony followed Jasmine, and he soon realized that she was really serious about not doing anything. Jasmine walked Nala over to a dry area that held tables and lounge chairs for people to sit at. She laid out on one of the lounge chairs and pulled out her book to read. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"Anthony, there's no way you were that bad at school. This is a book, and I'm looking at the pages and comprehending the words in a process known as reading," Jasmine said slowly.

"Jasmine, I know what reading is. I don't understand why you're reading. You're in the middle of this giant water park, and you want to read?" Anthony told her.

"Precisely," Jasmine mumbled as she looked down at her book.

"Whatever, man, I'm going to get in the water," Anthony mumbled and walked away.

Almost two hours passed before Jasmine decided that she should actually try to do something with Anthony. She had started to feel bad for leaving him alone. When she finally found him, she was shocked by what she saw. "Is that a girl?" she thought as she walked over. Jasmine tapped Anthony on the shoulder,

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" Jasmine grabbed his arm and dragged him over to an area of the park where there weren't many people.

"What?" he asked once they were finally in a more private place.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Um, talking," he told her.

"Anthony, we're supposed to be fake dating," she said.


"Okay? What do you think people are gonna think when they see pictures of you flirting with some random girl while we're supposed to be on vacation together?" Jasmine explained.

"Who said I was flirting? I was just talking to the girl," he defended himself.

"It doesn't matter if you were flirting or not. The internet will always find a way to turn nothing into something," Jasmine told him.

"Well maybe I wouldn't have started talking to her at all if you had just got up and did something with me. It's not that hard to get on a waterslide Jasmine. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a conversation to get back to," Anthony said and walked away. Jasmine scoffed and watched as he and the girl started talking again.

"She's not even that pretty," Jasmine thought as she went back to the lounge area she was at before. She definitely did not feel bad about leaving him alone anymore. She picked up her book and started reading again, and that's where she stayed for the next few hours that were scheduled for them to be at the water park. 

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