16. Epilogue

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Narrator POV

November 24th, 2026

It's late in New York, as Wakanda and New York have different time zones.

Wanda opens the front door to the house, as she walks in with Tommy and Billy on tow, as Peter carries on Maybelle amd Penelope.

"It's been awhile since we've been here". Says Wanda.

"Home sweet home", says Peter, as he let's go of his girls.

"I want a Juice Pop. Please?" Asks Maybelle.

"Can we mom?" Asks Tommy

Wanda smiles

"Of course, let's all have one. As a family".

Wanda and Peter lead the kids to the kitchen and grab themselves the Juice Pops.

Soon, the kids are on their beds, as they all eat their Juice Pops.

"Hey dad".

"Yeah Billy."

"I'm glad your home".

"Me too son. I'm glad to finally be home".

Peter kisses Billy's forehead, making him laugh.

"I love you 3000, dad".

Peter smiles.

"I love you 3000. All four of you".

The kids smile.

Wanda smiles.

She knows this is where Peter belongs.

December 24th, 2026

Peter, Wanda and the kids are heading to the New Avengers Compound for a Christmas Celebration.

Tony, Pepper, Morgan, Natasha, Bucky, Steve, Sam, Clint, Laura, Cooper, Lila, Nate, Bruce, Rhodey, Happy, May and Miles are coming over for the party.

After Peter returned home, he made contact with Ned and MJ. They were suprised to find him older, but they were happy he lived.

He returned to his duties as CEO of Parker Industries. It was almost like he was never gone.

Gwen stepped up when he asked her to. He gracefully gave her a pay raise.

The May Parker Foundation has been busy, helping those who returned from being blipped away, find shelter and food.

Peter's and Miles reunion was an emotional wreck for Miles.

Peter parks the truck and the Parker-Maximoff Family head inside together out of the snow.

They walk in and find Happy.

"Hey Pete. Glad you could make it, but your late, like always".

Peter smiles.

"I wouldn't be me if I was early".

Wanda laughs.

"That's true".

Peter chuckles.

"Cmon, everyone else is waiting for you guys."

The family walks into where everyone else is, hearing the chatter.

"Look who's finally here".

The others see the Parker-Maximoff Family walk in.

"You still haven't changed, have you Peter? Always late for everything". Says May.

Peter chuckles, while everyone else laughs.

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