6. Time Travel Test/ Planning/ Time Heist Begins

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October 16th, 2026

Narrator POV

It's been a few days, and Peter, Sam, Bucky, Natasha, Bruce and Scott aren't alone.

Rhodey, Nebula, Rocket and Thor have joined them at the Compound.

Thor looks alot different then when everyone last saw him.

Nebula and Peter have become friends. They kept in contact over the years.

Rocket, Bruce, Sam and Bucky are helping Peter build the Quantum Tunnel Peter planned.

While they build the platform, Nebula and Scott make the Quantum Suits.

The Quantum Tunnel is done being built and now everyone, minus Peter, is gathered inside a side room.

Bruce, in his new Professor Hulk form, is putting in some Pym Particles into Scott's Time Travel suit.

"Hey, Careful."

"I'm being careful."

"No, you're being very Hulky."

"I'm being careful."

Peter walks in and hears the commotion.

"Scott, would you please settle down. Have faith in Dr. Banner."

"You know what these are Queens? These are Pym Particles, alright? And ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence, this is it. This is what, we have. We're not making any more."

"Scott, would you please calm down."

"Sorry Rhodey. We've got enough for one round trip, each and two test runs."

Scott accidentally presses a button and shrinks, and then grows back.

"One test run."

Peter looks at Scott in disbelief.

"Scott, your gonna ruin your own plan before we put it in motion. Please, calm down."

"I'm not ready for this."

"I'm game."

Everyone looks at Bucky.

"You sure Terminator?", asks Peter.

Sam clocks a smirk.

"Yes, and why Terminator?"

"Because of your,-, you know what, let's finish this discussion another day."

Bruce, Peter, Sam, Nebula and Rocket help Bucky into his own Time Travel suit.

"Bucky, your gonna feel a little discombobulated from the chronoshift. Don't worry about it."

Bucky takes his position on the Quantum Tunnel.

"Hold up. So Peter, if we can do this, are you sure we can't change the past, like stopping Thanos from getting the Stones in the first place."

"Do I need to explain myself again."



Sam and Natasha say simultaneously.

"Unfortunately Rhodey, Peter's already explained to us that Back To The Future's a bunch of bullshit."

"So then, if we change the past, we also drastically change the future?", asks Rhodey.

"Yes. Which means our present would cease to exist, and we can't change it back."

"Exactly. Our present becomes our past, while our past becomes our future. And we won't be able to change it back.", says Nebula

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