10. The Battle For The Universe

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Narrator POV

Peter throws Mjolnir, which hits down Cull Obsidian to the ground, while Thor strikes the ground, making his lightning kill several opponents in front of him and others.

The heroes and the allies defeat Thanos' army. One by one, the Chitari, Outriders and Sakaarans are defeated.

T'Challa strikes them down with his claws, as Okoye stabs them with her spear.

M'Baku roars, as he kills. Bruce, throws on in the air, that Tony blasts. Scott, in his giant dorm, punches down a Chitari Levitation.

Peter calls Mjolnir back and hits a Sakaaran away, and is hit towards the ground. Before being killed a web stops Cull Obsidian and he is thrown backwards to the ground.

Scott stomps on him, killing him. The Black & Red Armored Spider-Man helps Peter up. Their masks retract and Miles is shown.

"Hey Peter, you good?", asks Miles.

"Yeah, I am. What are you doing here?"

"Ask the wizard, he said I would play a big part in all this, but I'll know when the times right."

Peter shakes his head. He didn't wanna involve Milea in any of this.

A loud noise is heard, making Peter and Miles turn towards it. Tony Stark's helmet retracts and he smiles.

"Hey Pete. Look at you."

Peter smiles. He moves foward and just hugs him. Tony hugs him back.


Wanda lands near Peter, as he and Tony separate from the hug

"Peter, your ok."

Wanda hugs Peter, and vice versa.

"Your ok. When Strange came to us saying we were needed, I thought something horrible happened to you."

Peter looks behind Wanda and sees a Chitari Gorilla coming, so he throws Mjolnir.

"Hold up, who's watching the kids?"

"May is. Strange brought her to the house and she's currently watching over them for us."

Peter sighs in relief.

"I don't wanna ruin this love fest, but we got a battle to win."

"Tony's right. Miles, these things will kill you if given the chance. Kill them. I know I taught you that taking a life isn't the way, but these things don't care about you."

Miles nods.

"You got it."

"Let's do this."

The four go separate ways, but while swinging, Peter finds Strange.

He lands as and retracts his mask.

"Strange, it's been a few years."

"It has Parker."

"I need to know. You did we win one of of 14 million.... tell me this is it?"

Strange looks at Peter

"If I tell you what happens, it won't happen."

Peter stays silent. He continues looking at Strange and breaks the silence.

"You better be right about this. I have more to lose now than I did 7 years ago."

As Peter swings away, Strange looks at Peter with regret.

Natasha exits the destroyed Compound and finds the battle.

She finds a hiding spot and then some others join her.

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