3. Seven Years Later

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Narrator POV

Seven Years Later

October 1st, 2026

A large two story house is shown, out in the middle of the woods, with a lake outside.

Inside we can see a woman cooking some food, and placing it on small plates for children.

The angle changes to show a man working at his desk in his office.

He stretches his arms out, and starts relaxing.

"Babe, lunch is ready."

"Alright, I'll grab them."

The man gets up from his chair, and the face is an older looking Peter Parker.

He walks out of his towards another room a couple doors down.

He walks in and we find four beds, but two of then have a small fort built.

Peter smiles.

"I hope no one's hiding in the fort. That would be a horrible place to hide."

Peter opens up the fort and finds it empty.

"Where, o where are they?"

Peter's eyes look up without him moving his head, and he smiles

"I sure hope I don't get ambushed."

"Get him!"

Two boys run out from the closet, while two girls fall on Peter, making him fall over.

The four kids start tickling Peter, making him laugh.

"Ok, ok. I surrender, I surrender."

"You better daddy."

Peter looks at his four kids, with nothing but love.

"Hey, I thought you said you'd get them, not
play with them."

Wanda walks into the room. She heard the commotion.

"Hi mommy."

"Hi. Lunch is ready."

"Ok. We're going."

The four kids get off Peter and run past Wanda.

"No running. Billy, Tommy, help your sisters down the stairs."

"Alright dad."

Peter gets up and walks out of the room with Wanda, both holding hands.

When Peter reaches the bottom of the staircase, someone rings the doorbell.

"Don't worry, I got it."

Peter opens the door and smiles.

"Hey Miles. Glad you made it."

"I would never miss a chance to come over, especially since it's been awhile since I've been here."

"Yeah. How's school?"

"College is great. How's work?"


"So. Being CEO of your own company tires you, huh?"

"Yes. I make the big decisions."

They both walk into the dining room as Wanda looks towards them.

"Hi Wanda."

"Hi Miles, welcome. It's been awhile."

"Miles!", the boys say.

"Sup little ones."

"Tommy, Billy, no talking with food in your mouths."

"Sorry dad."

Peter sits down and starts eating, while Miles stands at the counter and uses his phone.

"How's school?"

"Tiring. So much school work. I knew college would be tiring, but it's worse than what I thought it would be."

Peter lightly laughs.

"Trust me, I was the same in college as well."

"You went to M.I.T, right?"

"Yeah. M.I.T, those were the best 3 years of my life."

"How so daddy?", asks one of the girls.

"Well, Tommy and Billy were born, then a year after them, you Maybelle and Penelope, were born also."

"He's right. Those were the best years for us."

Miles is smiling.

'God I love this family.'

In San Francisco

We find a brown van, in storage, with a sign that says 'Lang'.

A rat walks on some kind of controls and presses abutton, activating a machine.

The machine spits out someone. That someone is Scott Lang, aka, Ant-Man.

He takes off his mask and looks around.

"Hope? Hank, Janet? Hello?"

He looks around, as he gets up.

Words: 565

Next Update: March 20th

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