9. Avengers... Assemble!

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0Narrator POV

Bruce is seen holding up tons of debris from falling on him and the others with one good arm.

Rocket is trapped under some debris.

"I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe."

Rhodey's HUD is seen malfunctioning.

"Canopy. Canopy. Canopy."

"Rhodey, Rocket, get outta here."

Rhodey crawls over to help and takes off the debris on Rocket, long enough for him to get free.

With Natasha

Natasha is seen, getting her bearing together. She gets up and finds the Nanotech Gauntlet, with the Infinity Stones.

She grabs the Gauntlet and then hears a growl.

She turns around and grabs a bow and an arrow. She using them in honor of her best friend, Clint Barton.

She releases an arrow, which lights the way, and the hallway is filled the creatures she fought in Wakanda.

She starts running away, to keep to Gauntlet safe.

Outside the Destroyed Compound

Nebula walks out as Thanos is beamed out of The Sanctuary, and sits dow, after taking off his armor.

"They didn't suspect a thing, until just a couple minutes ago."

"The arrogant never do. Go, find the stones, and bring them to me."

"What will you do?"

"Wait. They'll come to me."

Nebula walks away.

With Peter

Peter kneels down next to an unconscious Sam.

"Cmon buddy. Wake up."

Sam wakes up and looks at Peter.

"You lose this again, and I'm keeping it. It fits my suit colors."

Sam smiles for as he gets up, but that quickly fades away.

"What happened?"

"We missed with time, it tends to miss back. You'll see."

They walk around debris, and find an opening

They find Thor, standing serious, looking towards something.

The two then see what Thor’s looking at.


"What's he been doing?", asks Peter

"Absolutely nothing."

"Where the stones?', asks Sam.

"Somewhere under all this. All I know is that he doesn't have them."

"Then we keep it that way."

"You know it's a trap, right,"

"Yeah. I don't really much care."

"Good. Just as long as we're all in agreement."

Thor summons Strombreaker and Mjolnir, and his Asgardian Armor appears.

"Let's kill him properly this time."

Peter nods.

Before the three take off, Thor interupts them.

"You both are great people. I can see why the Captain and Stark chose you both."

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