15. Vibranium Arm

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Narrator POV

November 23rd, 2026

The Quinjet lands, and King T'Challa, Okoye and the Dors Millaje are their to greet the welcomed guests.

Tony, Steve, Natasha, Sam, Bucky, Pepper, Morgan, Happy, Rhodey and Bruce walk out.

Bruce is back to being himself again, but he has a cast on the arm he used to snap the people back.

"Your Highness".

"How's Peter?" Asks Natasha.

T'Challa smiles.

"See for yourselves".

T'Challa leads them into the building.

With Peter

"And there we are. Give your new arm a try". Says Shuri.

Peter tries out his new Vibranium arm. To Peter, it's like he never lost his arm.

"This is awesome. Thanks Shuri".

"Now daddy can hug me also". Says Penelope, making the adults laugh.

Peter hugs Penelope.

"Your not wrong baby girl. Come here".

Peter hugs Maybelle and Penelope, who hug him back.

From outside the room, Tony, Natasha and everyone else walk up and see Peter hugging Maybelle and Penelope, as the three laugh.

The boys then climb the bed and join the hug, making everyone else laugh.

Tony looks on in happiness. He thinks fatherhood looks good on Peter.

Natasha steps up and knocks, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Hey, we're here".

Wanda and Nat hug, while everyone else walks in.

Tony walks up to Peter.

"Hey Pete. The whole dad look fits you nicely".

Peter smiles.

"Thanks Tony".

Bucky comes from behind Steve, suprising Wanda and Peter.

"Bucky? Your alive".

Wanda hugs Bucky.

"Hey guys".

"How? Peter said it was an everlasting exchange".

"That Red Skull lied. He only said that to Bucky because of their past". Says Sam.

"That's what's up. Welcome back Buck".

Bucky smiles. He comes up with a joke after noticing Peter's Vibranium arm.

Bucky comes up to Peter.

"You got a metal arm. That is awesome dude".

Bucky smiles even bigger, as Sam laughs hard.

Peter smiles.

"I'm sorry, what's this all about?" Asks Steve.

"Back at the airport in Germany, when we met Peter, he caught my metal arm and said the exact same thing".

Peter nods.

"I did".

Everyone chuckles.

"So, when can you leave?" Asks Tony.

"They said I can leave tomorrow. I almost have my strength back".

"That's great. You'll be back in your feet in no time".

Peter frowns

"And I'll be thrown into business meetings upon my return to Parker Industries".

Everyone laughs.

"Yeah, I don't miss that part of running a business".

Pepper nods.

"You can do it dad".

"Yeah, you've always done it, and made it look easy also". Says Wanda.

Peter sighs.

"You know how boring those meetings can be?"

"Very boring". Says Tony.

"You would know Tony". Says Bruce.

"I found them boring, but I took my job seriously". Says Pepper.

"Don't worry Peter, you're gonna be alright". Says May.

Peter smiles.

"Yeah, I'll be just fine".

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