[41] The Prisoners

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Just to say really quick that if you're a fan of the book Just Gone by @WheresMyPenn and you're bored right now we're going to be streaming Season 2 of TWD Game on twich right now, so hop on and give her a follow.

Here's the link: https://www.twitch.tv/wheresmypenn

And I hope you all enjoy the chapter


I knew it was going to be a shitty day when the gunshot rang out.

I was sitting with Beth when it happened, top and tail on the metal stairs in the cell block. We both looked at each other, before I jumped up. Carl scrambled to his feet, staring at the door that separated the cell block from the common room.

"Did you hear that?" Beth asked.

How could I not?

Lori and Carol exited the cell on the top floor before each of them came and walked down the stairs. "Was that a shot?"

Why do things always go wrong when I'm left behind? The same thing happened with my dad, leaving me at the house. He told me to turn on the radio at dusk in case anything happened and he never came back. Rick leaves me here in charge, and now something happened in the prison.

"Something's wrong," I said. "I should go—"

"—No," Lori stopped me as soon as I opened my mouth. "Rick wanted you here for a reason, didn't he? He wouldn't want anyone running off in the dark alone."

I questioned Rick leaving me here in charge, but with half the group clearing the prison he probably just wanted someone to keep the peace here. Beth was worried about her dad, Lori and Carl about Rick.

I sighed, turning to Carl, "Give me the keys—"


"—Something's clearly wrong," I repeated, stopping Lori before she could argue. "If they're trapped, they'll want to get inside as quickly as possible."

Really I just wanted to get out of this room, even if it was just to sit in the common room. Being somewhere where I could actually help seemed like the most important thing to worry about right now.

Carl reached in his back pocket, taking the keys out and handing them to me. He wanted to hold them, so he could let his dad in when they came back. Now I just needed some time alone.

I walked out into the common room, locking the gate behind me and going to sit on one of the tables near the door where they left to clear the prison. A few minutes later I heard mutters and yelling from the darkened hallway through the door, and stood up as Rick came into view behind the bars.

"Ace! It's Hershel!" Rick was yelling, as Daryl squeezed his arm through the barred door to unlock it. "Go open the cell block door! Now, quick!"

I had to shove the worry aside and stop thinking about what could've happened as I ran back to the cell block door where everyone was crowded around, able to hear Rick's yelling, I assumed.

Still, I was worried. Hershel was never supposed to be out there, he volunteered that morning because he wanted to make sure that Glenn and Maggie were safe. I couldn't even imagine what happened because only hearing one gunshot was just too odd.

I managed to push it open just as Rick and the others rolled Hershel in on some kind of metal table, pushing him through the cell block to one of the cells. His right leg had been severed from the knee down, and he was bleeding through whatever they had used to cover his wound.

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