[5] Risky Behaviour

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I woke up late the next day, something that wasn't all that unusual anymore. The sun was blazing down against the fabric walls of the tent, heating it to the point where it seemed like I was going to melt.

I tied my hair back with the bandana before leaving the tent.

Glenn was the first person I noticed, sitting alone in one of the camping chairs, his head resting in his hand. I couldn't tell whether he looked tired or depressed, but both crossed my mind, so I proceeded with caution.

"Are you okay?"

Glenn raised his head, giving me a retained smile. He was quieter than usual, but he nodded quickly as he straightened up. "Yeah, yeah. . . I'm just a little tired, that's all."

"Because of Atlanta?" The words flew from my mouth before I could stop them. I hadn't meant to be so forward, but it had been on my mind since he told Shane the day before.

"You heard?"

Good job, now he knows you were eavesdropping.

I cursed my stupidity.

My lips pursed. "A little bit."

Glenn's mouth opened, but he didn't say anything for a few moments. I could tell that he was trying to think of an answer that wouldn't worsen the situation. "You shouldn't worry about that."

I reached back, rubbing the back of my neck. "It's kind of hard not to. . ."

Glenn nodded to the seat next to him. He almost looked guilty, but I didn't understand what for. I sat down next to him, leaning back in the chair.

"Oh!" Glenn's face lit up, standing up quickly. "I got you something yesterday."

He jogged over to the RV, grabbing his bag sitting on the stairs to go inside. He rifled through his bag when he walked back over, moving around items to find what he was looking for.

"I picked this up in Atlanta yesterday, but I never got the chance to give it to you."

In his hands was a book, and I could only read the cover when he handed it to me. His Dark Materials. It was a dark blue, with a shadow of trees in the background. A girl rode a polar bear in the centre of the page.

"I found it in the fantasy section, and. . ." He trailed off for a second, the pitiful look crossing his face again, only this time it was different. I couldn't put my finger on what was wrong, which I hated, but Glenn looked like he didn't want me asking about it. "I don't know; it just seemed like something you might enjoy."

"Thank you, Glenn," I smiled. "This means a lot."

"Also," he glanced over, forcing a smile again, "I think it's set in England."

"You're not letting the fact that I'm British go, are you?" I jokingly frowned.

One corner of his lips twisted up into a small smile, and he leaned forwards to rest his elbows on his knees. It looked like it was taking a lot of energy to keep the expression on his face. There was a sadness behind his eyes that I had never really seen Glenn show before.

"Obviously not," he said. "I just thought it was funny, and I know that Dale's books aren't that great, so I thought it would keep you occupied for a while."

I laughed at the comment on Dale's books. Anyone in the camp who tried to read them always gave up halfway through. Then again, half was overselling it. It was the same as the books I had to read back at the house.

"Okay, I should go and help Shane," Glenn says finally. "He was talking about going to fetch water from the quarry."

"Bye, Glenn."

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