[19] Search Party

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Today is the day, I kept telling myself. Many more people were involved in the search today, and we all stood around the car, waiting for Rick or Shane to come over and give us an idea of where to search. All I knew was that I was supposed to be joining Andrea and T-Dog on the search today.

We're going to find her.

Rick joined us around the car, standing next to me. Shane grabbed a tool from the car that looked like a mix between a crowbar, hammer and axe. I don't know, some kind of multi-tool. He flipped it in his hands and walked over to the car door, opening it to sit down. I assumed that he wanted to sit because his ankle was still hurting.

"Morning, guys. Let's get going; we've got a lot of ground to cover," Rick opened his map, laying it down on the bonnet. "All right, everyone's getting new search grids today. If she made it as far as the farmhouse Daryl and Ace found, she might have gone further east than we've been so far."

"I'd like to help," Jimmy walked over to join us. "I know the area pretty well and stuff."

I noticed that Rick looked sceptical. He was quiet for a moment, placing his hands on his belt, and he turned to Jimmy, "Hershel's okay with this?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah. He said I should ask you," Jimmy insisted.

I was surprised that Hershel would agree to let Jimmy join us. It seemed like he wanted to keep his family separate from our group.

Maybe he was having a change of heart?

I doubt it.

"Alright then," Rick nodded. "Thanks."

Jimmy smiled, glancing at me when Rick agreed. I returned his smile, before looking back at the others for further instructions on the search. I really wanted to get started as soon as possible.

Shane was sitting in the doorway of the car, facing away from the rest of the group. "Nothing about what Daryl found screams Sophia to me. Anyone could have been holed up in that farmhouse."

I wanted to argue with him, but I didn't. I bit my tongue, glancing down at the map to hide my annoyance. Why was he being so pessimistic? This was the best lead we've ever had on finding Sophia, and he was just going to complain about it? Sure, it was only small, but it was something.

Then again, it was Shane, and he always had to point out all the bad things when people were finally building up hope. And by people, I meant myself. Shane was a buzz kill for me at least.

"Anybody includes her, right?" Andrea asked, and for once, I was glad she said something.

Okay, that sounded mean. It's a good thing I don't say much of my monologue out loud, or I would always be in so much trouble.

"Whoever slept in that cupboard was no bigger than yay-high," Daryl held up his arm to show them, just as he had done with me the day before.

"Good lead," Andrea said, nodding at Daryl.

Rick nodded. "Maybe we'll pick up her trail again."

"No maybe about it. I'm gonna borrow a horse, head up to this ridge right here, take a bird's-eye view of the whole grid," he pointed down at the map, dragging his finger across the paper. "If she's up there, I'll spot her."

Dale walked over to join us at the car, bringing the duffle bag filled with guns over from the caravan. He placed it down on the bonnet next to Daryl, and peered down at the map as Daryl explained what he was going to do.

It was as good an idea as any, I assumed. With my minimal knowledge on tracking, I had to believe that everything he was saying was the only thing to listen to. It's not like Rick or Shane knew much about tracking.

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