[33] Need Some Vodka

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The snow started falling two weeks later. As soon as they saw the first white flecks falling out from the sky, Daryl loaded his bike into the back of the pickup truck before they were on the road again. He didn't want to drive the pickup, but he didn't have much of a choice anymore. It was too cold now.

After a few days every surface was blanketed with inches of snow, making travel difficult for the group. They needed tyre chains, but they hadn't been able to find any in the houses they searched.

"At least we don't have to sleep in the cars tonight," T-Dog exclaimed, carrying his bag into the house. When he dumped it down on the ground, he turned to walk back outside.

"Hey!" Ace called, stopping him. "If you're going back out, can you lift the windscreen wipers?"

"We don't need to do that!" He waved her off.

"We do," Ace argued, "they'll freeze over."

T-Dog shook his head, "I'm sure it'll be okay."

"Please," Ace begged. "You're going back out anyway."

"Okay, okay. I'll do it," he huffed, following the calls of Rick outside.

Ace rolled her eyes, turning back into the house to set up her things. She would have done it herself, but it was freezing outside and the snow was covering the ground. Her shoes would get even more wet, and then she would have to take them off. It was easier just to get someone else to do it.

All she really had to do to set up her things was dump her bag in the corner of the room where she would be staying. They never unpacked anything anymore in case they needed to make a quick escape, so Ace just put her bag down in the corner of the room where she saw that Daryl's things already were.

Since the garage, her nightmare, she stayed close to him. She hadn't had one since, but it was nice for her to be so close to him. Daryl didn't really care, in fact, he expected her to be sleeping next to him now, when she wasn't sharing a room with Beth.

She waited and wandered around the house for a while, walking around the cabin and checking every cupboard and drawer for a board game or something. Something to read or do, but there was nothing.

Instead she found herself sitting in a chair at the window, watching the snowflakes start to pile up and cover the surfaces around, the windowsill, the ground, and the porch.

A hand on her shoulder distracted Ace from the snowflake race she had been conducting in her head. Daryl was standing in front of her, a pair of shoes in his hands. "Ya get ya stuff set up?"

Ace nodded.

"Okay," he said. Daryl glanced down at the shoes in his hand, reminding himself of the main reason he'd come over. "Here, found ya some boots," Daryl said, dropping a pair of brown leather boots on the ground in front of her. "Can't keep goin' 'round wearing that shit."

Ace decided not to argue with him. As much as she liked her red Converses, she knew that they were the furthest thing from waterproof. It wasn't good or healthy to always have wet socks and shoes, so it was good that he actually found her boots that would keep her warm and dry.

When Ace grabbed the pair she saw that they were a size above hers, but the laces could be pulled tight enough that they would stay on. She wasn't too picky anymore, they really couldn't be.

After taking off her red shoes and dumping them on the ground, she put the boots on.

"They fit okay?"

"Yeah," Ace's voice came too quiet. She cleared her throat and tried again, "Yes. Thank you."

Ace grabbed her bag on the ground next to the chair and unzipped it at her side, then leaned forward to grab her red shoes before stuffing them in.

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