Chapter 24: S.P.Q.R. (Part 7)

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Nero was the kind of ruler who had given so much without receiving anything in return and this situation had not changed this. Yuto understood how frustrating it could be for Nero to carry the weight of an entire nation on her shoulders and genuinely wanted to lift some of that burden for her, yet he wasn't sure how to do it.

What would a friend who wants to help another do? Yuto sighed tirelessly as he turned to the VIP stand. Unfortunately, he didn't know.

"Women are difficult to understand," Mordred said, sitting next to the master. "Is there a problem?"

"I ran away from a woman," Yuto admitted embarrassed. "She tried some strange trick."

Mordred shifted her focus to Nero and then back to Yuto. "I think she fell in love with you."

Yuto sighed wearily. It was the same thing Arthur had told him.

"Returning a person's love doesn't mean necessarily marrying them and having children. It means sharing all the moments of life," Mordred said, remembering all the events that had brought her to be who she is now. "To love someone means to rejoice together in happy moments and to weep and support each other in sad moments."

Yuto's gaze shifted to the ground.

"I'll tell you something," Mordred said in a serene voice. "The versions of you chosen are all versions that have realized their dreams with the help of trusted companions. Archer also falls into this category."

"What do you mean?" Yuto asked confused.

Mordred points to Alter, who was fighting Rider. "Archer's heart beats in his chest."

Yuto was a bit surprised by what Archer had done. There was nothing in the memories acquired by the Counter Guardian. In fact, the memories of the nameless archer concerned only the countless battlefields to which he had been sent by the Counter Force.

"Archer chose Alter's life over his own and demanded that Alter could be free. You can say that Archer ended the hostilities between the you I serve and Alter," Mordred said. "Now Alter has no dreams to fulfil yet fights to protect the people who are important to him."

Yuto stared at Alter and thought back to their meeting in Fuyuki. "Jeanne Alter," he murmured.

Mordred nodded.

"Analyse who you are now, then analyse who you were before, and finally analyse everything around you." Yuto turned to Mordred who replied with a smile full of maternal affection. "The answer will become apparent when you answer all these questions."

Yuto and Saber Mordred were like children and she, who had developed a maternal side with her children, could not refrain from helping them. It was not a desire, but something she felt she had to do, even though she knew that everyone could find their way back.

"I-" Yuto shook his head. "What's wrong with me?"

"Many things. You are arrogant and proud of your heritage of Tohsaka and overconfident with your abilities," Mordred replied with brutal honesty. "But on the other side, they become secondary and supportive when people you think are important are threatened."

In most timelines, Mordred was the person who knew Yuto best, having spent more time with him than any other person. "Her" Yuto was the same and that's why he did what he did.

"Returning to Nero, I think she wants someone to spend the little time she certainly has left," Mordred said. "Go to her and apologize. Even if she's a little crazy, she's not cruel. She will understand."


"Stop him!"

"Don't let him near Her Highness Nero!"

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