Garden of Sinner (Part 5)

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"What did you say?! The Black Madonna is the culprit?!"

Yuto's reaction was not unexpected for those who knew him well. Mordred and Rider Yuto may have known how much Yuto hated that woman and how he burned with rage for failing to take her head.

But that was the past. Deciding to move on, Yuto hoped to have nothing more to do with her.

"Emiya, you seem to know about the Black Madonna and her abilities," Olga remarked wittily. "What can you tell us about her?"

"She's just a filthy bitch," Mordred said poisonously. "I'll cut her head off."

"Well said," Yuto snorted.

"Sir Mordred, master," Arthur severely rebuked. "There is a place and a time for everything, but it is not now."

Mordred snapped her tongue, but she recognized inwardly that Arthur was right.

Anyway, it was clear that Morgan had to be the cause of that singularity. She wasn't supposed to be a master of the Fifth Holy Grail War. This was what SHEBA had detected.


"Is something the matter, Emiya-senpai?" Mashu asked, seeing that Rider Yuto was immersed in his thoughts.

"..." Rider Yuto looked at the holographic image. "Doctor Romani, can you run the Rayshift and withdraw Master Emiya from the singularity?"

The request fell like a bolt from the blue. No one expected it because, although they were the same people and knew the same things, Yuto was a master. To withdraw him from the battlefield meant withdrawing Arthur, Mordred, EMIYA, and Claire.

But those who knew Rider Yuto best knew that he was not the kind of person who left things to chance.

"What's wrong?" Auros remarked Rider Yuto.

"Romani, can you withdraw my counterpart from this battlefield?" Rider Yuto repeated his request.

Doctor Romani nodded and proceeded, but he realized that the Rayshift was impossible for some reason. And that's what Rider Yuto feared.

"Do you understand what's happening, Rider?" Caster Cú asked.

"This singularity is a trap," Rider Yuto said, looking at his younger counterpart. "Even though I didn't put all the pieces together, I figured out what Morgan wants to get." Rider Yuto used the Archive magic and transmitted information about what he discovered about Morgan Le Fay. "Morgan wants to return to the time of Camelot using something similar to the Rayshift."

"Wait, the Rayshift shouldn't be possible," Olga objected perplexed. "She would need a large amount of magical energy, the Trismegistus' calculation engine and the SHEBA's observation lens."

"We're talking about my sister," Arthur reminded them. "Her abilities are on the same level as Merlin's."

"And she had almost thirty years to plan this." Yuto grimaced. "But what does she intend to achieve? She should know that the sword will never recognize her as worthy."

Rider Yuto shook his head. No, it wasn't exactly what Morgan wanted to accomplish. Undoubtedly, she intended to go back to the times of Camelot, but not to anticipate Artoria to the selection.

"She wants Tracing," Mordred casually said.

Although Tracing was Shirou's variant of Projection and therefore mistreated by the Clock Tower's academic world, it was nevertheless a magical art not to be underestimated in a time where swords and magic were widely spread.

Rider Yuto nodded and explained in detail the Tracing and what it could do. "As far as Tracing is no more than an advanced version of Projection, it guarantees the ability to temporarily borrow the ability and strength of the original owners of the traced weapons."

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