Garden of Sinners (Part 6)

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"How do you plan to fix this?" Alter asked idly.

Y/N snapped his tongue as he stared at the situation annoyed.

"This should not happen and you know it. To forge that sword, you are risking destroying humanity sooner than expected," Y/N Alter continued, pointing out the flaws in the Y/N's plan to ensure a future where there would be fewer sacrifices.

Y/N knew from experience that changing a single event changed all the history. PENDRAGON's actions during his Sixth Holy Grail War had led to a separation from his dark side, giving birth to Y/N Alter.

By interfering in Lev's summoning, he had created an effigy of the Trihexa, the beast of the apocalypse described in the Bible, which was nowhere near the original because Fairy Sphere would not withstand the full power of the Beast of the Apocalypse. The aim was to test their ability to collaborate, if necessary, even with the enemy, an essential requirement given the stakes.

"If Rider decided to put pride aside and use it, it would all be easier," Alter said mocking the stubbornness of a man who had saved humanity several times despite it never being his wish.

"If he doesn't want to use it, it doesn't matter. No one can force someone else to do what goes against their will. It must be his own spontaneous decision." Y/N sighed wearily as he recognized that there was no choice but that. "But you're right. I'm going to fix this right now."

Fortunately, there was something he had planned to use in France if the situation with Rider had been different.

"The time hath come..."


[Are you the real Morgan?] Da Vinci asked while trying to realize how a fairy might have managed to leave Avalon, the Everdistant Utopia of the Arthurian legend.

Morgan smiled slightly, finding this question amusing. Undoubtedly it was her, which Claire immediately confirmed because the sneaky method she used to lure them into that trap was similar to what Morgan of her world had used with "her" Yuto.

"If I were you, I would stop archer or else that woman will die," Morgan threatened, showing them an image of Rin being held captive in her workshop.

Archer left the spiritual form. An angry frown was present on his face.

In his Holy Grail War, he had failed to protect her despite being her servant. He didn't want to see that scene again.

"I won't go around it. Surrender to me and nothing will happen to her," Morgan went straight to the point.

Yuto froze and let Kanshou and Bakuya vanish.

Morgan smiled veiled.

"Now be a good boy and come with me," she said, extending her hand.

"Not so fast, you poisoned bitch!" Mordred thundered, getting between her mother and her brother. "How do you know about him? He should not have been born in this time and yet you know him! How could it be possible?"

Morgan giggled before agreeing. "It was the "me" of the future that revealed his existence to me." She smiled as she saw the astonished faces of all. "At the end of the Sixth Holy Grail War, she travelled back in time until the day I used Doctor Heartless' mystic eyes to leave Avalon."

The truth is, she was working on time travel since the fall of Camelot when Merlin prophesied the return of King Arthur.

"The Once and Future King... do you know what that means, Leonardo Da Vinci?" Morgan asked.

[It is the prophecy that announces King Arthur's return to lead Britain back to glory,] Da Vinci replied as she watched Morgana bewildered. "Do you want to prevent the prophecy?"

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