Chapter 6: First Singularity (1)

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"Heed my words. My will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny. If you heed the Grail's call, and obey my will and reason, then answer me."

Human history was full of betrayals, often using people as scapegoats for someone else's evils. Medea, the Witch of Colchis, and Angra Manyu who, as a simple shepherd of a remote village became the scapegoat for the evils of mankind.

"I hereby swear."

This was not the story of a woman who had fought for her country, led by the voice of God. Fake priests who had unjustly accused her of being a witch for wielding the sword for what she believed, without ever regretting the choices she made.

"That I shall defeat all evil in the world."

This was the story of a fallen saint and a witch, born from the fire and hatred, who would walk on a path of death and destruction.

"But let thine eyes be clouded with the fog of turmoil and chaos. Thou art trapped in a cage of madness, and I the summoner who holds thy chains."

With her power, with her hatred, with her army, she would have dropped humanity into the hell, beginning from the same country that had turned its back on her. The streets would spill blood and corpses that she would walk on.

"Seventh Heaven clad in the great words of power! Come forth from the circle of binding, Guardian of the Scales!"

Destruction and death, these were her orders to her followers.

If a city had revelled in the spring, they would have destroyed it.

If a city had celebrated spring, they would have devastated it.

No matter how cruel or evil, God will forgive any transgression. So it was nothing more than a means to prove the existence of God and his love.


Olga was frustrated. Although F Point Singularity had been restored, seven more singularities had appeared, probably caused by the Holy Grail which Lev possessed. Honestly, his betrayal was a serious blow to her.

She had known Lev for years and he was one of the first members to join to Chaldea, assisting in the construction of SHEBA and assisting the current director when the previous head and founder died. But that was just a lie.

"Who and what are you really, Yuto Emiya?" Olga turned to Yuto. No matter how many times she read the files about him, she could never find anything that could explain the fact that her best employee had shown the ability to take a spiritual form.

Yuto sat on the opposite side of Olga, the two were divided by a white table on which Caliburn had been resting, carefully placed inside an elegant blue and red sheath. Saber and Archer were behind their master. EMIYA looked different then when they met him at Fuyuki. The unsettling red veins that adorned his body had disappeared, his white hair was pulled back, and the holy shrouds covered both of his arms.

"A mere magus and the next head of the Tohsaka House," Yuto nonchalantly replied.

"Bullshit!" Olga frowned, irritated by her employee's impudence, "I did the necessary research and found nothing about the adoption by the Tohsaka House of a member outside."

Of course there was nothing. It was useless for her to try hard to look. Yuto came from a different reality where he was adopted by Rin Tohsaka.

"Also, you showed the ability to take on a spiritual form," Olga continued, "an ability that only a servant possesses."

"These are the data we collected about you the first time," Doctor Romani laid down a stack of documents concerning Yuto, "leaving aside the quantity and quality of magic circuits that even surpass those of Kirschtaria Wodime, we have discovered that you possess a Magic Core."

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