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When they arrived back at Forks, Amelie immediately when and shut herself in her room. She didn't want to talk to anyone right now. She and Charlie had made up and he thanked her for going and getting Bella. The same could not be said about her and Bella. Neither girl had forgotten the words that were said in the hospital room. Amelie ignored the numerous calls from Paul, Sam and Jared but after an hour they stopped. She figured Emily had told them to leave her alone.

She didn't want to be alone. Not really, anyway. She wanted to talk to someone who wasn't involved in this at all. She contemplated talking to Jessica but she didn't want to listen to unworthy talk about prom. So, Amelie sat on her window seal and spent the evening drawing. At first the drawings were pleasant. She drew Jacob's car, Carlisle's living room and she even drew some beautiful spring flowers. But this didn't last long. Before she knew it, she was drawing dark figures, James and the shadow that haunted her dream so many days ago.

She went to sleep that night, dealing with dark demons that seemed to be but just in the corner of her vision. Once again, she had the dream of the wolves and the shadow. It was only a few hours after that she woke up screaming after her dream self hit the water. Amelie ran to the window to open it and let the fresh air in. The April winds immediately whooshed into the room. She took a deep breath and felt the tears on her cheeks go cold.

Was it so wrong that she didn't want her sister to die, even if that meant she became a vampire? She wouldn't be able to spend time with Bella since she was a wolf and she would be a vampire. The worst thing in the world, she thought, was to loose her sister. At the ballet studio she was helpless while she watched her sister writhe of the floor. The image was still burned in her brain. She wished she was strong enough to kill James. Amelie swore to herself that she would never feel that again.

The next morning Amelie was ready to call Sam and tell him she wanted to practice when the doorbell rang. She heard Charlie open it and begin to talk to someone. When she went downstairs, Amelie's heart almost burst open. She practically ran and Billy and Jacob who stood in the doorway. Amelie launched herself into Jacob's arms, which securely wrapped themselves around her. Since the nightmare, Amelie hadn't felt safe until then. They didn't say anything for a while but held on tight.

"I'm glad you're back," He whispered in her ear.

"Me too," She whispered back.

Billy's voice interrupted them, "We're glad you girls are back and safe," Amelie pulled back from Jacob and hugged Billy in his wheel chair, "Jake here was bothering me about seeing you girls as soon as you got in town."

Amelie smiled, "We'll bother away. Do you want anything to drink?"

"Two beers," Charlie told her.

She smiled again as she walked away. She heard Jacob's footsteps following behind her.

"So are you really okay?" She heard him ask.

Amelie ducked into the fridge to avoid answering for a second. She reemerged and faced Jacob, "Honestly?" she sighed.


She grabbed a bag of chips, "I've been better but I've also been a whole hell of a lot worse. Bella's put me through a lot the past few days but I'll be good in a few."

Jacob nodded and grabbed the bag of chips. He gave the stairs a fleeting glance before following her to the living room.

"How is she?" He asked her.

He handed the beers to Billy and Charlie before sitting on a second couch with Jacob, "Surprisingly good. Really good actually, it's weird."

Jacob snorted, "You'd think falling out of a window would make you crazy."

Protected- Jacob Black Love story {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now