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Saturdays with Jacob, Embry and Quill couldn't come faster for Amelie. She had been avoiding everyone afraid that she would lash out and hurt them. Especially since she had phased. Bella kept trying to talk to her but was met by silence. So instead of waiting for a reply she would talk about Edward and the Cullen's, who Amelie did not want to hear about because she still hadn't told them about her new ability. And at the rate that Edward and Bella were going she was expecting a wedding invitations any day.

When Charlie drove her down to La Push, Amelie practically jump out of the car and ran to the garage. She was greeted by the familiar and comforting smell of grease and Oil. In the back, she saw Jacobs, Quills and Embrey's heads bend low together under the hood of Jacobs Volkswagen, Rabbit, as she had learned it was called.

"I come bearing gifts," She says from the doorway.

The boys looked up from the car and she held her hands high showing them two boxes of pizza. The boys basically ran to her, Quill taking one box and Jacob taking the other.

"Nice to see you again too," she said sarcastically, "You guys act like animals."

"iiiiii aaaeelliiiieee!" Quill said through his giant mouthful. Amelie guessed that was his greeting through all of the pizza.

"Do we need to pay you back for the pizza?" Embrey asked.

"No, I used the money I got from the last bet you lost," Amelie said as she smirked, walking to the back of the garage.

Embrey scowled and took another piece of the pizza.

"I was thinking we should go outside today," she suggested.

"What about the car," Jacob said indignantly.

"Your car will still be here next week. Come on Jacob, just this once. For me?" Amelie pleaded as she put her hands on his arm tugging slightly.

Jacob went a little pink in the face and rubbed the back of his neck with is free hand. Embrey and Quill laughed at the two of them.

Jacob sighed, "All right."

Amelie beamed at her triumph.

Quill coughed, "Whipped."

Embrey and Amelie thought it was funny but apparently Jacob didn't because a moment later he had crossed the room and waked Quill in the back of the head. After Amelie and Embrey had over come their fits of laughter and Embrey had dogged Jacobs kicks they went outside to play soccer.

"So what been happening in the week of Miss Amelie Swan?" Quill asked her.

"Don't call me that," She said and kicked the ball hard trying to get him in the face.

He dogged it easily and when he came back he said, "Sorry Princess."

This irritated Amelie as well, "Don't call me that either."

"Seriously, Amelie" Jacob interupted, drippling the ball, "What's up?"

Amelie thought about what she should say. She couldn't say nothing because they knew her so well and wouldn't believe her so she decided to tell the boys her recent headache in her life.

"It's Bella. She got a boyfriend." She said. The boys snickered.

"Girls problems." Quill laughed and the Jacob started kicking the ball again.

That make Amelie angry, so she didn't hold back on her next sentence, "She's dating Edward Cullen."

The events that followed were something you would only see in a movie. Jacob kicked the ball so hard it was sent flying into Embrey's stomach. He let out and 'oomph' as it collided with him but other wise made no indication that he felt the ball. Quill simply said, "No fucking way," and stood there staring at her. She looked up from the ground and saw three pairs of eyes staring at her for an explanation.

"Yea. He's always around and picks us up for school. It makes me wish I had my own car. We had dinner with his family last Friday, and let me tell you, the family is weird."

Quill scoffed, "You're right about that."

Embrey and Jacob looked darkly across the field at each other. Neither of them said anything but the seemed to have a whole conversation silently.

"Come on guys, no secret communication." Amelie said to them.

Jacob ran his hand against the back of his neck again, "Our families hate them. Like, really hate them."

Amelie walked over to Embrey and picked the ball up that had been sitting at his feet, "I know that." she told them.

But before she could walk back to her spot, Embrey grabbed the ball back and she stopped moving.

"No Amelie, you don't get it," Embrey said," We're forbidden from seeing them. Their not good people."

She was once again caught in between the crossfire of vampires and werewolves. Jacob, Quill and Embrey were now still human but all of them had ling lines of Quileute magic in their blood. Some hates ran very deep.

"Their not bad," Amelie snapped and snatched the ball back from his hands, "Their definitely not my favorite people but their not bad."

She walked back to her spot and kicked the ball to Jacob who kicked it to Quill.

"Whatever you say," Jacob replied but she could still tell that the boys were not happy about Bella dating Edward.

"How was your date?" Quill asked for a change of subject.

"What date?" Amelie said confused.

"Jacob said that you had a date on Friday, that's why you couldn't come to the bonfire." Quill continued.

"I didn't have a date you idiots. I had dinner with my sister." She chose to leave the Cullen's out of the conversation. They boys howled with laughter at her face and kept making fun of her.

"Besides it's not like you boys could get a date." She added and this made the boys stop laughing instantly.

It was Jacob and Amelie's turn to laugh this time and soon they were dodging the ball that Embrey and Quill repeatedly kicked at their heads.

Protected- Jacob Black Love story {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now