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"Edward, tell me what the hell is going on!" Amelie yelled at him from the back seat.

They were driving at speeds Amelie had never gone before. The Jeep jerked this way and that, up and down as they ran over roots and holes in the dirt rode.

"Listen to me. James is a tracker. The hunt is his obsession's. I read his mind and my reaction in the field set him off. I just made his most exciting hunt ever. He's never going to stop." Edward panicked.

Amelie's stomach sunk. She should have just stayed with the pack. Where she could run and run. And train for this exact situation. She should have convinced Bella to not go with Edward. She should have listened to Sam, Jacob, Quill and Embrey when they warned her to stay away from the Cullen's because they were trouble.

"Well what do we do?" Bella asked him.

Amelie knew what they had to do. Sam and Billy had told her and she had been training for it.

"We have to kill him. And the only way to do that is to tear them apart and burn their limbs and pieces that are left. But Edward, we can't go chasing James around the country trying to kill him, he'll kill us first. We can't do this?" Amelie yelled from the backseat.

"We're leaving Amelie." He snapped.

"Only in hell Edward! If you think I'm leaving my dad and Jake and everybody I have here, then you've lost your mind. I'll make you if you don't stop this car!"

Amelie had lost it. She felt the energy of the elements flowing through her veins and her wolf was growling. She sent a force of air onto the cars brake causing the car to jerk forward as it stopped. Edward whipped around so fast, Amelie actually thought he was going to hurt her. He grabbed her out-stretched hand.

Before things began to escalate Bella began to talk, "Edward, he's our dad and he could get killed because of us. We have to lead James away somehow."

Edward ignored her and growled at Amelie, "Let go, Amelie."

Amelie shook her head, "Not until you agree to let us go back to Charlie."

Edward saw that he had no choice but to let go of Amelie hand and Amelie reluctantly released the pressure off the brake. They sped off again, this time towards Forks. They had a plan to lead the tracker away but Amelie was sure that it wasn't going to work.

When they arrived at their house Amelie and Bella ran up the front steps and burst into the door.

"Edward, I said leave me alone." Bella shouted back at the door.

Amelie put on her acting hat and pulled her sister back from the door like they had agreed.

"Get the hell out of here!' She yelled in his face.

"Bella please don't do this," Edward pleaded.

"Now!", Amelie slammed the door in his face and turned to Bella. "I told you he was no good! You just think you know better, you're such a bitch!"

Charlie rounded the corner, "Hey, what's going on girls?"

Bella marched up the stairs without answering Charlie. Her dad turned to Amelie.

"Bella thinks she can control me. Just because she found a boy that wants to give her a shred of attention doesn't mean she can just throw me away! And then the second he shows her that he doesn't care she freaks out of me!"

Amelie followed her sister up stairs but went into her room instead, slamming the door behind her. She turned from the door and saw Emmett shoving things quickly into a bag.

"Got it all?" She asked him.

"Oh yeah," He grinned and held up her bra.

"Rosalie is going to kill you. Now hurry up."

He threw the bag in her face and jump out the window. Amelie sighed before turning and wrenching the door open to follow her sister down the stairs and out of the house.

"Dad, that's you not me." Bella told Charlie.

"Bella, come on," Charlie said in a broken voice, "I just got you back."

Amelie stood sadly at the bottom of the stairs as she watched her sister tear their father apart. She had a lump in her throat that wasn't usually their.

"I know, but you know that if I don't leave now, I'll be stuck here just like mom." Bella shot.

That was it. Bella had just told him the same thing their mother had said so many years ago. Charlie was frozen as he watched Bella storm out the door and into her truck. Amelie walked out after her, her eyes on the floor.

"Not you too." He begged.

"I'm sorry, I can't leave her alone." Amelie whispered to him and walked out the door, shutting it behind her without looking at Charlie. They were a mile down the road when Edward jumped into the car.

"Why don't you let me drive?" He asked them.

Bella sat in the middle while Amelie looked out the window. She refused to look at her sister at this point. When they made the plan there was nothing in it that said Bella had to break Charlie's heart.

"She had to," Edward said to Amelie.

Amelie merely scoffed and continued looking out the window, unshed tears in her eyes. A crunch came from the top of her truck and she jumped.

"It's just Emmett," Edward told them, "Alice is in the car behind us."

A buzzing sound came from Amelie's pocket and she took out her phone. When she saw the name on the screen she had to take a deep breathe before answering.

"Hello?" She said into it.

"Amelie what the hell are you doing? Charlie just called my dad and said that you're running away!" Jacob's voice rang out in her ear.


"Where are you? I'll come and get you." He said.

Tears fell down Amelie's face, "Jacob, you can't. I can't leave Bella alone. Just don't."

She hung up the phone before she heard his response. She turned of her phone so that she couldn't see him calling a thousand times and leaned her head against the window and let the tears keep rolling.

Protected- Jacob Black Love story {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now