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A/N: Thought I'd do a bonus chapter because I'm bored and have time to write because it's school holidays, there might be more bonus chapters later this week but regular posting schedule is still in place (Wednesdays and Saturdays). I hope you enjoy, have a great day!

-Han :)

First days of anything are always the worst. But the first day at a new school should be ranked in the worst top 5. Amelie felt as though she was going to pass out when they started to walk in.

The sisters made their way to the front office and collected their locker numbers and codes, maps of the school and their timetable. Bella turned and walked away from Amelie with so much as a back glance and a quiet goodbye once she had all she needed.

Amelie eventually found her locker and quickly sorted out her books, turning around to go find her new class, she accidentally knocked into someone.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." Amelie apologized.

"No problems, you're Amelie Swan right, the new girl. Hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place." He replied.

"Umm okay, hello."

"Yeah, anything you need, school tour, shoulder to cry on, lunch date?"

"Maybe I'll take you up on the lunch date. But I've got classes so I'll see you later." She smiled and walked away chuckling.

She entered her classroom and sat down, opening her notebook, she began sketching. She had always liked drawing and painting but never liked her work enough to display it or show it to other people. While she was drawing a beautiful girl with bleach blonde hair came and sat next to her. She said nothing but also took out a notepad and began sketching. The teacher walked in and said hello to the class. He pointed out that they had a new student, Amelie, and told everyone to get on with their artworks. The other students in the room broke out into controlled chatter, Amelie and the blonde girl simply sat at their desk in silence, sketching houses and plants.

Amelie was still feeling sick, she felt as though the more she sat down next to the girl, the worse it was getting. Finally the class was over. She quickly packed her things up and rushed out of the room to her next class. The rest of the classes were just like her first, the teacher would say hello, she would be introduced to the class and she would sit in silence next the the unfortunate person who shared the desk with her. As the day went on she soon felt as though she was about to break down in tears until she realized that it was gym class, the only class she had with her older sister Bella.

She practically ran at Bella when she saw her. She told her all about the boring day she was having and Bella told her that hers was just the same. Amelie made sure to leave out the part where she felt terribly sick. Eventually the teacher walked in and told them that they would be starting volleyball the class.

Bella watched as Kate dove and ran for the ball during the game. Suddenly the ball came flying at Bella who, startled by it, sent it flying straight into the back of a boys head. He rubbed it and turned around beginning to say something. 

"Hey! watc- oh, you two are the new girls right? Eric told me about you guys. I'm Mike."

"Yep that's us, I'm Amelie and this is my sister Bella."

"I'm so sorry, I did not mean to hit you." Bella apologized.

Mike told her that it was okay and invited them to sit at his table at lunch just as the bell rang.

The lunch room was just like any other Amelie and Bella had ever seen. There were cliques and groups spread out eveywhere and the food looked practically inedible. Mike, Bella and Amelie made their way towards a table that had Eric and two other girls already sitting there. As they sat down a perky brunette girl introduced herself.

"Hi I'm Jessica! You guys are from Arizona right? Aren't people from Arizona supposed to be really tan, like with the sun and stuff?"

"I guess that's why they kicked us out." Bella laughed.

Amelie sat there for a while and just watched people interact with eachother. She didn't even realize what was happening until Bella was waving her hand in front of Amelies face.

"Oh, sorry, what were you saying?" She asked.

"Bella was just asking about-" Jessica began saying, but Bella cut her off.

"Who are they?" She said, grabbing Amelies head and forcefully turning it to face a group of people that were walking into the cafeteria.

Jessica and the others girls whos name Amelie had learned to be Angela, whipped their heads around and looked at a group of people walking inside the cafeteria.

"The Cullens." Angela says.

"They're Dr. Cullen and Mrs. Cullens foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska, like a few years ago." Jessica explains.

"They kind of keep to themselves." Angela adds.

"Yeah! Because their all like together, like together, together. The blonde girl, that's Rosalie, and the big black haired guy, Emmett, their like a thing, I'm not even sure that's legal."

Amelie watched the family enter, they were all so elegant and graceful, it almost hurt her eyes looking at them. She actually found it hard to swallow.

"Jess," Angela interrupted Amelies train of thought, "They're not actually related."

"Yeah, but they live together! It's wierd! The dark haired girl, that's Alice; she's really weird. She's with Jasper the blonde one who looks like he's in pain. Dr. Cullen is like the fosterdad/matchmaker."

Angela giggled, "Maybe he'll adopt me."

Amelie smiled and went back to picking her food until Bella spoke up again, "Who's he?"

Jessica grinned, "That's Edward Cullen. Isn't he totally gorgeous? Well obviously he is, but apparently nobody here is good enough for him. Like I care, you know? Seriously, like don't even try."

Amelie suddenly felt sick at the sight of her food, she pushed her tray away from her. To distract herself, she let Jessica and the rest of the group sitting at the lunch table question her. She honestly felt like she was being interrogated but she didn't mind. The bell rang not long after and she packed up her things, saying goodbye to everyone before going to class by herself since she was the only sophomore in the group.

After school Amelie still felt sick, she decided to walk home instead of getting a lift from Bella because she thought the car would make her feel even worse. She was walking along the path through the woods when she started to feel dizzy, she grabbed onto a tree to steady herself. Her vision was going blurry and she tried to call out for help but no sound came out. She felt her body collapse and hit the floor, before everything went black.

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