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They reached the Cullen's house in no time. Emmett immediately opened Amelie's door and dragged her out of the truck and into the garage where the rest of the family was waiting.

Esme gave her a sympathetic look and Rosalie walked up to her, "This is all Bella's fault."

There was some part of Amelie, an evil part deep inside that agreed with Rose. The wolf inside of Amelie and the hidden demons wanted to kill Bella for putting herself, the Cullen's and the wolf pack in danger. But the real Amelie would cut of her own arm before hurting Bella.

"I just wish that I was stronger. Maybe none of this would have happened because we would have been able to fight them on the field," Amelie's voice began to rise and Jasper approached her and tried to calm her down, "Dammit Jasper, don't do that. I'm pissed. I'm supposed to stop things like this happening. That's why I'm here. I can't even fight one of you, how am I supposed to protect you."

By the time Amelie had finished her rant her voice had risen to such an extent volume that the metal racks in the garage were shaking. None of the Cullen's or Bella said anything, they just looked at her with pity.

The rest of the Cullen's came into the room and Jasper began to talk about their plan, most likely to smooth over Amelie's emotional outburst.

"I've had to fight our kind before, their not easy to kill." He told Emmett.

"But not impossible, we'll rip him apart and burn the pieces." Emmet growled back.

Carlisle shook his head, "We should not relish in the thought of killing a creature, even a sadistic one like James."

Rosalie stood next to Amelie, "What if he kills one of us first?"

Everyone ignored her question.

"I'm going to run Amelie and Bella south, can you lead him away from here?" Edward asked quickly.

"No Edward, James knows that you will never leave Bella, he'll follow you." Carlisle answered.

Alice came to Amelie's other side, Amelie shifted coser to Rosalie, "Jasper and I will take them, we'll drive them south. I'll keep them safe Edward."

"Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?"


Alice dragged Bella to her car and put her in the backseat. Amelie stayed to watch and see what would happen.

"Rosalie, Esme," he handed them each a jacket, "Will you put these on and lead the tracker away from here with their scents?" Edward asked.

"Why? What is she to me?" Rosalie said to him.

"For Amelie, Rosalie." Edward pleaded.

"She means nothing to me either." She snapped.

Amelie couldn't pretend that this didn't sting a little but but Rosalie was right. Their friendship went no further than mutual respect for each other. Neither of them would lay down their lives for the other.

Apparently, Carlisle had had enough, "Rosalie, Bella is with Edward and Amelie, who is a creature of our greatest enemy, has chosen to align with us. They are part of this family now and we protect our family."

Rosalie glared at Edward before reluctantly grabbing Amelie's coat and shrugging it on. Amelie went over to Alice's car and slid into the back next to Bella. She was tempted to turn her phone back on but she knew she was only going to hurt herself if she did. By now the news will have spread and Billy would have told pack. Her phone screen will be full of missed calls from Jacob, Sam, Paul and possibly Embrey and Quill.

Jasper stomped on the gas and the car sped forward and out of the garage.

Amelie didn't know how long they had been driving for. Bella kept trying to get in contact with their mom but Renee never picked up. Amelie sat and drawing in her notepad. She kept trying to draw a wolf but she couldn't get it right. After scrapping three drawings she gave up and went back to her usual routine of resting her head on the window and staring out.

It was morning by the time they reached Phoenix. The second Jasper stopped the car, Alice went out and checked into a hotel. The hotel was nice but none of it really mattered. Once inside they all sat down on sofas and stools and waited for news. Amelie amused herself but making her pencil spin in the air and break then fix it's self. She was interrupted when Alice suddenly gasped.

"What?" Jasper asked," What do you see?"

"The tracker, he's just changed course." Alice said dreamily.

Jasper grabbed paper and snatched the pencil Amelie had been playing with right out of the air.

"Where'd it take him Alice."

"Mirrors," She said slowly, Amelie watched as her hand flew across the paper and soon there was a complete drawing laid out it front of them.

"Edward said the visions aren't always accurate." Bella said.

Jasper looked up at her, "She sees the path people are on at the time, if it changes, so does the vision."

"Okay the course the tracker is on now is going to lead him to a ballet studio?"

Alice stopped drawing," You've been there?"

Bella nodded her head, "Amelie and I took lessons as kids. The school we went to had an arch just like that."

"Was your school here is Phoenix?" Jasper asked.


Bella's phone rang and she ran to the other side of the room. Jasper, Alice and Amelie all look at here not knowing what to do next. Amelie looked down at the drawing, she didn't remember the ballet lessons but she somehow felt as though she knew that room.

"Edwards lost the tracker, their on their way here now. They'll be here tomorrow." Bella came back over to them.

"And Charlie?" Amelie asked.

"Esme and Rosalie are there to protect them."

Amelie nodded and left the room. When she got to the bedroom she and Bella were sharing she collapsed on to the bed and rolled her face into the pillow. It took all of her self discipline to not scream. She rolled back over and stared at the ceiling. 24 hours ago she had been warm and comfy in her own bed, now she was being hunted by a murderous vampire. When had her life become so complicated?

She scolded herself when she regretted moving back to Forks. If she hadn't come she wouldn't have become a nymph.  She would be in this mess. A voice in her head reminded her that if she hadn't she would have met her bestfriends, and Jacob, and she would still be alone.

Amelie rolled back over and fell asleep. The whole time there was a voice in her head telling her to stay awake.

Protected- Jacob Black Love story {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now