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"For heavens sake!"

Amelie had been working for hours with the boys but was not progressing.

"Chill out Amelie! You've only been working for two weeks. If Paul can't control his temper in that time I'm sure you can't master this." Jared laughed.

Paul punched him on the arm, "You think you're so funny."

"Enough, " Sam barked. The two boys stopped bickering immediately.

"Amelie, concentrate." He instructed her.

Amelie threw her hands up in frustration. She had been coming to La Push everyday after school for the past two weeks to practice but there had been no improvement. She was being stretched thin. She spent her Saturdays with Jacob, Embry and Quill and it was the highlight of her week. She and Jacob would work on the car and they were progressing well, while Embry and Quill would just sit in the corner making jokes and laughing the whole time. She and the three boys had bonded during these Saturdays and Amelie soon counted them as some of her closest friends. Though, when she told them this they all made fun of her for choosing rotten friends. She honestly found herself enjoying their company more than anyone else's.

However, Saturdays always had to come to an end, and she was left to deal with the rest of her week. She would leave for school in the mornings and be there all day. Once she got home she would be picked up at her house by Sam for training.

She needed to build up her strength in order to take on wolves and vampires, as Billy and Sam stressed to her. According to the legends of the tribes nymph, he could run almost as fast as a vampire and was almost as powerful as one. Even by human standards, Amelie was slow despite Sam's efforts to make her run faster and faster around the forest. The next step would be to control and strengthen her energy. Sam would make Paul and Jared come at her and she would have to stop them. She wasn't even able to stop them at their walking pace. She nearly threw a fit when Sam suggested that she attempt lifting them using her control over air, so the topic was avoided for the rest of the week. Sometimes they would work together late into the night. Sam insisted that she needed to get stronger despite the fact that she felt like a burden on the pack. When she would get home she would do around two hours of homework before going to bed.

"I am concentrating Sam," She snapped, "It's not my fault I'm going up against human bulls."

Paul said loudly, "You hurt me princess," and placed his palm over his chest. After she freaked out over lifting the two boys, he began referring to her as that. It had gotten to the point where he refused to call her Amelie.

Jared laughed and did the same, he put one hand over his heart, the other on his forehead. He staggered around until he fell and Paul had to catch him.

Amelie was over it. She let out a growl and flicked her hand in front of her. Jared who had just found his balance but was sent flying back forcefully into Paul by a gust of air, sending them skidding onto the floor.

"Let's call it a night," Sam sighed, "Why don't you go and see if Jacob is home, I'll take you home around eight."

"Really?" She asked happily.

Sam nodded. She ran over to him and kissed him on the cheek before running toward the Blacks house on the other side of the trees. Calling over her shoulder she shouted a goodbye towards Paul and Jared, "See you later dogs!"

She let out a whoop of excitement and she entered the tree line and she heard the three boy laughing at her. As she saw the Black's house approaching she practically sprinted to it and jumped the front steps. She had stopped knocking a few days ago after Billy told her it was no use since she was at there house so often, she just let herself in. Billy was watching a game on the tv with Harry Clearwater. Billy had introduced Amelie to Harry last week because he wanted her to know the members of the council, she also met Quill's granddad Old Quill.

Protected- Jacob Black Love story {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now