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The doctors in Phoenix took Bella as soon as they walked through the door. Carlisle, Alice and Amelie were left standing in the waiting room. It had been hours and they were still sitting in the uncomfortable chairs waiting for Bella to come out of surgery. Edward still hadn't come back from the ballet studio. Amelie thought that it was a good idea since he had literally just tried to kill her sister.

"Amelie," Carlisle whispered, "I think it would be best if we called your parents."

"What can I say to them?" She asked him.

"Whatever you say, it needs to be believable."

Amelie shook her head and walked out of the waiting room. The hallway outside was deserted. Her brain was flying at a thousand miles an hour as she turned her phone back on.

Her heart stung as she saw all the missed calls. The names Jacob, Sam, Paul, Dad, Embrey, Billy and Quill were scattered across her screen, some more than others. She dialed her dads number.

"Amelie, where the hell...." He began as soon as he picked up.

"Dad," she began.

"What is it?"

Amelie took a deep breathe and sighed, "Dad, something's happened. I called Edward and Carlisle to try and get Bella back to Forks. When we got back to the hotel she fell down two flights of stairs and out a window."

There was silence at the other end of the line until, "I'm leaving now." and the line went dead.

She made a similar call to her mother who swore that she would get on the first flight out of Jacksonville to Phoenix. There two more calls that she needed to make and the last one was what she was dreading.

First, she dialed Sam's number into her phone. He picked up after the second ring and she told him everything that had happened. She said that she would be back soon and he promised to meet her back in Forks as soon as she got back.

"Call Jacob," Sam told her before she hung up, "I'm surprised the stress he's going through hasn't made him phase."

She pressed on his name at the top of her contacts.

"Hello," His voice rang over the line.

It was as if all of the events that had happened over the past through days had caught up to her. She let out a sob and slid down the hospital wall and onto the floor. She curled her knees into her chest and covered her mouth with her hand.


"Amelie, tell me what happened," he demanded, "Are you hurt? Dad told me everything but it doesn't make sense. What really happened?"

Not for the first time she wanted to tell him the truth so badly. It was as if her heart was struggling to leave her chest  with the pressure of trying not to tell him the truth but she couldn't. If she was going to keep Jacob away from this then she had to lie. She had to spin the same bullshit story she had for her parents. It was for the best.

So she told him the cover story and not once did he interrupt. She cried and cried as she lied again and again. Jacob was silent on the other end when she finished.

"Do you need me there? Dad and I can come right now."

Amelie shook her head even though she knew he couldn't see it, "No, we'll be back home soon. My mum and dad are on their way now. I'll see you in a couple days."



She heard a sigh from the other end of the line, "I'm really glad you're okay. Come back soon."

"Goodbye, Jacob."

"Bye, Amelie."

When she went back to the waiting room Alice and Carlisle were there and she knew that they had heard every word of her conversations. They had the decency not to say though. She walked to the other side of the room and wiped the tears from her face. Looking out the window she wanted nothing more than to be back in her own bed with a hot cup of coffee or with Jacob is the garage working on the Rabbit.

When Amelie and Bella's parents arrived, all hell broke loose. There was so much shouting between Charlie and Renee then Charlie and Amelie and then even Charlie and Edward. Her parents demanded a retelling of the story and Amelie obliged and retold the lies that Carlisle praised her for coming up with. Her mother burst into tears while Charlie stood there stone faced.

Amelie saw Bella last after she woke up. Mostly because her parents took up all of her time. But also because she didn't want to face the reality that she had almost lost a sister. When she walked into the room, Bella was awake quietly talking to Edward. Bella's face lit up at the sight of Amelie and she sunk further into the linen.

"I want to talk to my sister alone, Edward." She told him.

He immediately stood up and began to walk out when Bella called out to him.

"Don't go," Bella said.

Amelie glared at him, "Edward," She repeated. He walked out and closed the door behind him.

Bella immediately launched into an apology, "Amelie, I am so sorry. I didn't mean.."

But Amelie cut her off, "Bella, I almost lost you. I almost lost my older sister. First, you nearly died from a bloodsucker, then you nearly turned into a bloodsucker, then you nearly died of one again."

"It wasn't like that..."

"Yeah it was Bella! I was there, conscious I might add. You didn't see Edward face as he drank. He almost didn't stop!"

"But he did!"

Bella had gotten she angry that her heart rate monitor was beeping frighteningly. The two sisters turned to each other, both hurt and angry.

"I want to change." Bella said suddenly.

Amelie gave Bella a chance to change what she had just said, "Come again?"

Bella took at a deep breath and continued with more certainty and force, "I want Edward to change me into a vampire. I want to be like him."

Amelie stood up and began pacing the room to keep her anger in check, "What the hell?!"

Bella didn't know about Amelie being a shapeshifter. Amelie couldn't tell Bella that if she did that then they would be mortal enemies without outing the pack. The Cullen's knew about her wolf but she never phased in front of them because Bella was always leaching around.

"I want to be with him forever!" Bella retaliated.

"Bella, you get to love him for the rest of your life! What's wrong with that?" She shouted back.

Bella was even more angry now, "Carlisle told me that you get to live for an insanely long time so why can't I live forever?"

"That's what this is about?"

"Yes! I want to live with him forever!"

Amelie stopped pacing and turned to look at her sister, "When did your human life not become enough?"

"When I met Edward."

The sisters looked at each other saying nothing. Amelie shook her head.

"Bella, if you turn into one of them," She paused, "Then we can never be together again."

She turned and left the room. Edward was sitting in the hallway, she knew he had heard every word. Stomping back to the waiting room she went to seek out human company in the form of her mother.

Protected- Jacob Black Love story {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now