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"Baba I do not understand why you sent Dora Milajes after me and do not say they were for protection."I muttered as I watched him pace up and down my dorm room.

"That is not the problem right now, Freya. You are out in New York playing hero with a goddess. I said emergencies. You disobeyed the instructions your mother and I gave you."He sternly responded as he looked down at me.

My father has never raised his voice at me only because he was soft spoken, my mom was the one that did all the yelling.

"You are coming home with me."he sternly responded as he grabbed my suitcase and placed it on the bed next to me.

"Baba, I cannot do that. I cannot leave Miles to deal with all of this alone."I panicked as I stood up which made me look back at me before he nodded.

"So this was all for a boy? inkwenkwe? (a boy?)"He asked as he abruptly stopped his pacing making me shake my head immediately.

"No, baba it is not even like that."I replied in a panic as a shook my head.

"Freya, look at me in the eyes right now and tell me you do not like this boy."he softly demanded as he stood in front of me making me stare up at him before I slowly began to slouch.

"I do like him but--"

"Pack up your bags, Freya."he replied as he pointed towards my suitcase.

"Baba pleas--"

"Freya! I will not ask you again! I did not send you to America to live out your silly teenaged romantic comedy. I sent you here so you can learn independence--"

"Please still give me that opportunity to be independent, Baba. Stop trying to prevent me from making mistakes and let me make them. Although I am only 17 years old, I will be an adult in three years. An adult who must mature without constant support from you or anyone around the kingdom. Mama and you, reared me; now it's time for you both to have faith in the way you both raised me so that I will become the princess that everyone expects of me. I did not have any friends before I arrived here; all I did was talk to Onika and a few guards every day, or I had to go to my royal studies classes. So please, let me be a hero as well, not just a Princess that cannot do anything for herself."I explained as I looked up at my father making him sigh before he shook his head.

"I am giving you until tomorrow to pack up your bags, Freya. You are going home."He replied which made my heart sink as I watched him walk out of my dorm room.

I sat down on my bed and cried for a while until I eventually climbed into my bed and fell asleep. I woke up early the next morning and began packing my clothes, when I was all packed up I waited for Dora Milajes to knock at my door and like clock work I heard their Spears on the ground making sigh heavily as I opened my door allowing them to come in when they walked in Mbali and Kenzo took my bags whilst Onika stood outside since she was the Princess's escort.

"Wait. Onika, can I just go say bye to people?"I asked as I looked up at her making her hesitantly nod her head.

"Lead the way, Princess."She responded making me nod as I made my way to Miles' dorm room.

When I got to the door I knocked a couple of times before I softly called out for Miles.

"Miles, I don't know if you can hear me, but I am sorry. My father found out about me playing hero with a goddess and now he is making me go home. I am so sad and afraid of what will happen next. I wish I could stay with you and continue to fight this fight with you, but my father is taking me away. I hope you can forgive me and know that I will never forget you, and I promise to always remember our time together."I sobbed as I stared at his door as if I was speaking to him.

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