Part 6: Secret

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"Hey, Asa!" Yoru yelled, trying to get her vessel's attention as Asa continued to walk down the stairs. "That boy you keep running into just admitted to being an ally of Chainsaw Man!" Yoru exclaimed.

"You aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, are you, Yoru?" Asa asked.


"Are you calling me stupid!?" Yoru yelled, dejected.

"No hero worth a damn would give away their secret identity like that!!" Asa turned and said. "He'd be in serious trouble if his identity got exposed." Asa explained. "Not to mention, he's so damn full of himself! What hero would have such a big ego? It'd be so stupid if he actually was one!" Asa said.

"I'm not stupid!!!" Yoru yelled, still hung up on what Asa had said previously. "I'm not!!!" She exclaimed.

"Okay already!" Asa huffed. "I take it back."


Asa and Yoru stood on the steps of the campus, their day having concluded uneventfully.

"School's out. Let's get hunting!" Yoru ordered, pointing out into the city. "We're almost out of time to get into the devil hunter club!" She said.

"No can do! I'm visiting Yuko today." Asa said.

"What!?" Yoru exclaimed, before glaring at Asa. "If you can't be bothered to help, then I'm perfectly happy to kill you!" Yoru threatened. "Have you even thought about how to find Chainsaw Man!?" Yoru asked. 

"Beats me." Asa said. "Wouldn't he show himself if we draw a devil to school?" Asa asked.


Yoru paused for a moment, placing her hand on her chin.

"I see... That is a good idea..." Yoru muttered. "But how would we draw a devil to school...?" She pondered.

"You're the smart one, come up with something!" Asa snapped. "In the meantime, I'm visiting Yuko!" She declared.

Asa full-heartedly expected Yoru to scream out a threat or unsophisticated insult. But to her surprise, the devil with her face continued to ponder her thoughts. The hand of the scarred devils still resting on their chin.


Asa stared at them for a moment, before turning to walk to Yuko's house.

"Maybe I can actually tame her...?" Asa wondered.


Yuko sat on a lounge chair on her doorstep, basking in the setting sunlight with a somewhat bored expression on her face.  She sported a cast on her left leg, a product of her injury in the Bat Devil attack.

"Ah!" Said expression immediately lit up the moment she spotted Asa. "Chainsaw Woman! It's Chainsaw Woman!" Yuko exclaimed as Asa walked up to her.

"What?" Asa asked.

"Or do you prefer Frog Dudette? Maybe, uh... Other Blood Girl?" Yuko asked.

"Huh?" Asa asked again.

"You saved me from Chainsaw Man! You're a hero!" Yuko exclaimed.


"Uhuh." Asa nodded, going along with it. "Here, I brought some soft drinks." Asa said, handing her a shopping bag full of assorted drinks.

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