Part 4: Recognition

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On the streets of Tokyo, pedestrians walked, sporting merchandise of Chainsaw Man and his many colorful allies. On-street corners, people in cartoony costumes of the heroes of hell twirled signs detailing sales on bootlegged clothing. In the Tokyo skies, a blimp floated, showing a message that the heroes were nothing more than man-eating devils.

"Yesterday, our heroes Chainsaw Man, Frog Dude, and Blood Girl fought and defeated the Cockroach Devil, saving a cat and a car full of elderly citizens." A news anchor said, plastered on a large screen on a skyscraper. 

"I'm on the scene near the site of yesterday's battle!" A pretty news reporter said, waving at the camera. "Let's ask the locals what they think of Hell's Heroes!" She said.


"The Heroes? I'm a huge fan." A young father with his child smiled.


"Hmmm... I just can't accept them. I don't like them, I guess..." A businessman muttered, a hand on his chin.


"The heroes!? My entire class is obsessed with Chainsaw Man and Frog Dude!!!" A bubbly schoolgirl said.

"I totally ship them!!!" Her friend said.

"Chainsaw Man x Frog Dude 4 lyfe!!!" They cried in unison.


"Those so-called 'heroes' are doing nothing but stealing jobs from hard-working Devil Hunters." An older businessman said.


"I don't like them because of the property damage. The two boys specifically, they destroy buildings." A haughty woman said. "I can't deal with men who don't know how to take care of good things." She said.


"Dude. The heroes? They're the bomb!" A laid-back guy said.


"Too popular. It ticks me off." A schoolboy said.


"Don't they eat people?" A girl asked.


'They're devils. The devil hunters need to hurry and kill them." A man said.


"BLOOD GIRL, PLEASE STEP ON ME!!!" An... Interesting individual screamed.


"My friend got saved by them once. They're all good people." A college student said.


"I totes love the Chainsaw Guy. Chainsaw Man! If you're watching this, gimme your number!" A girl said, pulling out her flip-phone.


"They don't really exist! They're American propaganda!" A frantic man said.


"The heroes? They rule!" A man smiled.


"They saved a cat and some elderly folks, right? I bet they just wanted to eat the cat. Guaranteed!" An elderly woman said.


"BLOOD GIRL IS THE GREATEST AND STRONGEST AND PRETTIEST AND POWERFULLEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL BEING THAT HAS EVER EXISTED!!!" A girl with a long pink ponytail yelled enthusiastically, perched on the back of her sighing boyfriend.


"Can... Can we, like, come up with a better name for Frog Dude? One that's cooler? Also, stop being weird about Blood Girl, she has a boyfriend!" The boyfriend of our previous interviewee piped.

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