Part 22: Replacement

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(Y/N), Denji, Power, and Reze walked down the street, heading toward the High School. All of them were quiet, their minds still turning with their recent run-in with Public Safety. The line of teenagers walking in the same stride was broken as Denji slowed, noticing something on a TV sitting on display in front of a store. The rest slowed, wondering what he was doing.

"The way the Heroes fight is outrageous!"

The person speaking on the TV exclaimed.

"Destroying buildings make them no different from the Devils!"

Denji stared at it, an unreadable expression on his face.

"Who's gonna pay for all that property damage!?"

Power let out an angry hiss.

"There are even reports that they were involved in the recent disappearance of that aquarium, too!!!"

(Y/N) furrowed his brow.

Reze stared at the three of them. She sighed, before grabbing Denji's hand and leading him along, trying to keep his mind away from all of that hero nonsense. (Y/N) noticed her, and decided to do the same with Power, dragging her along as she yapped angrily about the defamation the TV was spouting.

Everywhere they went, people were talking about the heroes. In a way, not much had changed. The heroes were all the buzz for the past few months, but as time went on, the public's opinion shifted slightly from pure adoration. The four had entered the school, which, in opposition to the general public, was still fascinated with the heroes. For whatever reason, the younger demographics still seemed keen on worshiping their heroes.

"The Falling Devil, right? That was nuts!"

A female student said, chatting with her friend.

"If the heroes hadn't beaten her, we'd have had a real Nostradamus on our hands." She said. "Nostradamus is coming for real, don't you think?" She asked her friend.

"Nostradamus...?" (Y/N) asked under his breath.

"Chainsaw Man showed up at out school before, too. If he beats Nostradamus, won't our school be legendary?" Her friend asked.

"Nostradamus isn't a Devil, y'know!"

The four passed the girls as they broke into a fit of laughter, bored expressions on their faces.


After an uneventful day of normal human stuff, the group layed around their apartment. It was now evening, and they were all covered in post-shower moisture. Denji sat on his knees, blowdrying Reze's hair as she blow-dried Nayuta's hair. Power and  (Y/N) sat on the couch, the strawberry blonde fiend purring as the messy-haired hybrid combed her hair. Legs was nowhere to be seen, most likely off contemplating his life on the top of a skyscraper miles away.

"The news is talking about that church of heroes again." Nayuta said. "They're saying there's a bunch of brainwashed, dangerous kids." Nayuta explained.

Denji stared blankly down at Reze's hair, not paying attention. Power stared intently, keen on learning of these new 'followers' to her cause.  (Y/N) and Reze studied the screen cautiously, weary of this new development.

"Look! They're fighting the police!" Nayuta chirped, describing what was happening on the TV. "Denji! Look!" Nayuta turned, barking annoyedly at Denji's apparent lack of interest in comparison to the others.

"The church's days are numbered though. Cuz we're not gonna turn into heroes anymore." Denji muttered.

"Huh? You aren't?" Nayuta asked.

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