Chapter Eighteen

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Tanjiro awoke to small cries from the outside of his door. He freed himself from his lovers grasp and walked towards the door. When he opened the door, he saw Kaigaku! "Hi Kai!" Tanjiro smiled, still half asleep. Kaigaku crawled into Tanjiro's lap and clapped his hands. Tanjiro chuckled and put Kaigaku in the crib next to the bed. He sang a lullaby to Kaigaku making him fall asleep. Doma then came up from behind Tanjiro. "I think someone's still a little tired, don't you think?" Doma whispered. Tanjiro just nodded. He was to tired to say anything else.

"C'mon." Doma said as he lifted Tanjiro back to his bed. He placed Tanjiro down where Tanjiro scrambled to Akaza and snuggled into his chest, as where Doma went back to Kaigaku to get him something to eat, as it was morning now. When Tanjiro awoke again, it was now 11:00 AM. "Jeez." he muttered to himself. Akaza was still asleep, glued to Tanjiro. He was able to escape from Akaza's hold and called for Nakime. A biwa strung and he was teleported to where all the other uppermoons were.

"Good morning everyone!" Tanjiro smiled. Gyutaro sent him a glare, Daki looked at him sadly and Kokushibou and Muzan didn't even pay attention to him. Doma was the only person who greeted him back. "You guys okay?" Tanjiro asked, worried. "How could you even be talking to us after what you did?" Gyutaro spat. "What did I do?" Tanjiro laughed nervous. "Seriously? That's pathetic." Gyutaro scoffed. Tanjiro held back tears welling up in his eyes. His bottom lip trembled and his eyebrows furrowed. Akaza walked into the room and hugged Tanjiro, unaware of the situation that just went down.

Tanjiro pushed him off and ran out of the room, tears falling from his beautiful red eyes. "What just happened?" Akaza asked. "Tanjiro came in here acting like everything was normal!" Gyutaro answered. "Doma! You idiot! Did you not tell them?" Akaza yelled. "Ohh righttt. Tanjiro lost his memory when he snapped out of his trance. He doesn't remember anything about being a demon, so I think he remembers his human life." Doma explained. "Oh." Gyutaro said. "Oh!" he said again, fully understanding now. "Great! Now my dad probably hates me!" Gyutaro paced back and forth. "He doesn't hate you Gyu." Doma assured him, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"I didn't know he forgot!" Gyutaro continued to panic. "All demons forget when they first turn." Akaza told him. "They do?" Daki asked. "I still remember you two's feast after transforming. You are a whole village the two of you." Doma explained. "Really? I don't remember." Gyutaro asked. "I suggest you go apologize to your father." Doma suggested. "I'm not ready." Gyutaro sighed. "Take some time and then do it. I'm sure Tanjiro needs sometime as well." Akaza told him. Gyutaro did
as they said and eventually did apologize to Tanjiro. Tanjiro, being the kind person he is, obviously accepted the apology.

Two months later, everyone was doing well and Kaigaku was even able to go out with Tanjiro, Doma, and Akaza. He was fascinated by the bright lights in the cities they went too, and loved Tanjiro's blood demon art. His blood demon art was called Hinokami. They were red flames that he could bend to his ability and ignite demons and humans with so he had to be careful where and when he was using it. Rui on the other hand, hasn't changed one bit. He's still the shy and sleepy boy he usually is. He barely shows up in the infinity castle. Tanjiro still has to wear the bamboo, due to the fact that he mistook Gyutaro for a snack on the first day. When around Akaza and Doma though, he may take it off.

Akaza, Doma, and Tanjiro walked into their bedroom, with Akaza holding Tanjiro. Once they were inside, Tanjiro started to grunt and make and effort to take the muzzle off. Doma laughed and made his way over to take it off. "Thank you!" Tanjiro smiled as he got down. He collapsed on the bed, very tired from his mission. Not anything to big, like defeat a hashira. It was a pretty weak one though. He felt like he had seen her. A scent of hatred and sadness came from her while fighting. "Is the little bean tired?" Doma asked, teasing him slightly. "What does it look like?" Tanjiro scoffed. "It looks like you are full of energy." Akaza laughed. "Asshole." Tanjiro muttered.

"Come cuddle." Tanjiro commanded. Akaza and Doma made their way over and cuddled with Tanjiro. Tanjiro loved having the two here with him. He had no idea how this had all started. Oh, that's right.


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