Chapter Fourteen

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"Kanao?" Tanjiro trembled. He had just walked in the door when she was going off on his boyfriends. "What is wrong with you?" Akaza asked pissed. "It's true! Tanjiro is clinging to you like a lost puppy every damn second of the day!" Kanao yelled. Tanjiro quietly left the room. Doma and Akaza looked hurt at what Kanao had just made Tanjiro do. "Come with us." Doma ordered. "No." Kanao snapped.

"We weren't asking!" Doma's voice boomed. Kanao, out of fear and instinct, went with the two of them. They led her to Muzan's office. "Come in." Muzan ordered as they knocked on the door. They pushed Kanao in the door and Muzan didn't seem surprised.  "What happened this time?" he sighed. "How about you repeat what you just told us for the master?" Doma teased.

"Do you ever honestly shut up about Tanjiro? It's always- How's Tanjiro? Sorry I can't, I'm hanging out with Tanjiro. Oh I'm so worried about Tanjiro. But he's only five fucking feet away from you two!" Kanao repeated. "I am greatly disappointed Kanao." Muzan informed. "I'm sorry Muzan-sama!" she cried as she bowed. "There is no room for apologies." Muzan spat. He snapped his finger and the door from under them opened and she was dropped outside of the infinity castle.

"Thank you two. You may go now." Muzan informed. The two bowed before taking their leave. They had no idea where Tanjiro was, but found him cradling a fussy Rui and Kaigaku in a little crib next to him. He looked exhausted from cradling the baby who would not calm down. "Tanjiro?" Akaza called. "Shh! He's almost asleep!" Tanjiro whisper-shouted. He was right. By the time they had gotten over there, Rui was peacefully sleeping.

"You work wonders at getting children to calm down." Doma complimented. "Thank you Doma-kun!" Tanjiro beamed. "You would be great with our children..." Doma teased. "E-eh!?" "Stop teasing him Doma!" Akaza scolded. Tanjiro laid Rui down next to Kaigaku and watched as they cuddled together. "Aww!" Tanjiro cooed over the two. "Can we do that?"

Akaza smiled at Tanjiro and softly nodded his head. "Sure." Tanjiro ran to him and hugged Akaza. "Hey!" Doma pouted. Tanjiro went over and hugged Doma. "Better?" Tanjiro asked. "Much better." Doma replied. The trio walked to their bedroom and opened the door to find Daki sitting on the bed. "Hi Dad, Papa, and Baba." she waved. "Dakiiiiiiiii? What did you do?" Doma asked. "What do you mean? I didn't do anything." Daki answered. "I just came to tell you I'm going back to being an Oiran."

"Daki-san! We won't see you for so long!" Tanjiro cried. "I know!" Daki added. Daki came up and hugged all three of them, especially Tanjiro. "Bye Daki-san!"

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