ch. 15

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     It actually felt really good to finally be free from Danny. I don't know how I stayed with him for so long. It makes me wonder what in God's name did I ever see in him? Outside of that, I'm just hoping that there won't be anymore tension between the boys and I. I know for at least Calum, he was trying to keep some distance because of Danny. Even when it was our normal hang out days. And that just makes me feel awful. 

      I hopped back onto Calum's roof and knocked on the window again. Luke came from the bathroom, which was now open, and pulled the window up for me. Taking his hand again, I jumped back into the room. 

      "You need to take it easy, you just had a concussion," he said, helping me land my jump. 

      "I'll be fine," I said, not really worrying about my head. Although, it does feel a bit better. So that's a good sign. "Is he out of the bathroom?" I asked him. 

      "Kinda. We got him to open the door and he's talking. We just haven't moved him from the bathtub to his bed," Luke explained to me. 

      "Bring him out here," I said. 

      "We tried but he's refusing to move." I walked to Calum's bathroom door and popped my head in. Calum looked up at me with his red puffy eyes and Michael turned to look at me. 

      "Hey, I'm probably not the person you want to see right now, but can you please come out here?" I asked Cal. "I have to tell you something. All of you," I told him. 

       "Unless it's a family meeting, I'm not coming out," Cal persisted. I turned around the corner to look at Luke, who shrugged his shoulders. 

       "See," he told me.

       "Okay, call Roy and Zoey. They need to hear this too," I told Luke. Luke nodded and pulled out his phone sending his mass text to our group chat. 

        "Can you come out now?" I asked. 

         "When they get here," Calum stated, turning his body so he didn't have to look at me. Ugh, did I just break Calum? I didn't even do anything this time!

       Rolling my eyes, I fixed my body to lean against the door frame. "Cal, stop being stubborn please!" 

       "I'll stop being stubborn when your wanker of a boyfriend stops being an asshole!" Calum snapped. I rolled my eyes again and left the bathroom to go sit on his bed. Okay, so, clearly, he's mad at me. But I can't say I don't blame him. I was the one who allowed this to go on because they thought I'd snap at them for complaining about his actions towards them. That conversation I had with Zoey needs to be brought up again because they need to know how I feel. 


"Hey, what's going on?" Zoey asked as I opened Calum's front door for her and Roy. 

      "Did you guys hear about what happened to Calum?" I asked them. Roy shook his head and Zoey told me no. "I'm gonna tell you down here before he throws a shampoo bottle at my head up there," I said, causing both of their faces to scrunch up in confusion. "Danny called Calum a schmuck in front of the school." I saw Zoey's heart break through her eyes as Roy quietly gasped before shaking his head in disappointment. "The boys said he ran back home and locked himself in the bathroom." 

        "Did he come out?" Roy asked me as we headed to the stairs. 

       "He unlocked the door but won't leave the bathtub. I told him I needed to talk to them all but he said it needed to be a family meeting or else he wasn't gonna listen to me or come out for that matter." 

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