ch. 6

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     I stomped into the gym, my shoes clapping the gym floor as my two strands of my hair from my Dutch braids flew in the wind. Daniel made a rebound and turned, seeing me head towards him. 

     "Hey! You look cute," he said. 

     "Yeah, I'm not gonna be very cute in a second," I said, grabbing his wrist. He dropped his basketball in his hand and I pulled him away to the weight room door and opened it, pulling him in. 

       "What's got you all fired up?" He asked as I closed the door. 

       "You remember Calum?" I asked him, arms crossed. 

       "Yeah, what about him?" He asked with a shrug. 

       "I told you to leave him be, and clearly didn't listen to that." Daniel's eyes furrowed at me. 

       "What do you mean? I don't even talk to that nerd," Danny said, making me roll my eyes. "I didn't do anything."

       "Elbowing him in the face is doing nothing?" I questioned. 

        "Okay, that was an accident. I didn't mean to hit him in the face. It's not like I out for vengeance!" Daniel defended. "You're acting like I wanted to man handle that kid." 

      I lifted my eyebrows at him and walked closer to him. "I didn't say anything about you wanting to man handle him." Daniel looked down at the ground, seeing his slip he made. "Daniel, listen to me and listen to me good. You will leave Calum alone, you hear me?" I said. "Because if I see him with another bruise on his face, a bleeding body part, a rearranged nose, you will regret it," I warned sternly. "Understand?" I asked as he nodded. 

      I turn around to walk out of the weight room. "Why does he matter so much to you?" Daniel asked me, making me stop and turn back to him. 

      "Because he's my friend, Daniel." 

      Daniel laughed and walked to me. "That kid looks like he could barely snap a pencil!" What does strength have to do with our friendship? I don't know and I never will know. But all I know is that Daniel is suddenly and slowly becoming an asshole. "All the them for that matter." 

       I pursed my lips in anger and walked closer to him. "Leave the boys and Zoey alone or else the next thing that will snap will be you!" I promised. For the first time, Daniel looked intimidated by me. I turn away from him and open the door, heading out of the weight room. Going out the gym doors that were to my right, I walked down the hall and met Zoey there with my bag. 

       "Is it handled?" She asked, handing me my backpack. 

        "Oh it's handled," I said. "And it better stay that way."

Calum and I were at our lockers with Zoey as we were looking at the soccer flyers. "He wants me to tryout," I told Zoey. 

       "You should!" She said happily. 

        "See! Even your best friend agrees!" Calum jumped in. I rolled my eyes and shoved his shoulder lightly. We were on our lunch break so we were killing some time before we'd go sit and eat. "If she says so, than you are good. Unless you actually suck and she just feels bad for you." 

        "Shut up," I said, making him and Zoey laughed I kicked Cal's leg. As our laughter was coming to an end, I turned and saw Daniel walking up to us. I turn and look at him. 

         "Hey," he said.  

         "Daniel," I said, nodding my head at him. He nodded back and turned to Zoey.

      "Do you mind if I talked to them?" Zoey shook her head and left to the cafeteria where we told her we'd meet her. 

        "Calum, this is Daniel. Daniel, you know Calum," I introduced so they know each other now. They both nodded and said a small hi. 

        "I just wanted to apologize for yesterday, Calum. I didn't mean to hit you in the eye after class. One of my friends told me I did but I thought I hit someone else in my group and not you. So, I'm sorry." I bit my lip and shook my head lightly as Calum nodded in forgiveness. Something about that statement didn't feel so right with me. It made my stomach turn. But it lightened up my moment of hatred though. 

       "It's alright. Only an accident," Calum said. There was a silence that landed between us. Calum opened his locker and took my flyer from my hand as he placed them in his locker. "I'll see you in there," he told me. I nodded and Calum leapt off to the lunch room. I leaned off the lockers and stood straight. 

        "Thank you," I told Daniel. 

        "It was the right thing to do. And the only thing I could do to make you like me again," he said, grabbing my hand. 

        "No," I said. "What would make me like you again is if you really laid off the boys. But, I'll take this apology into consideration." Daniel grinned happily and pulled me to him for a hug. 

        "I never wanted to upset you, love. I'm sorry," he says. I pulled away.

        "It's a start," I spoke, rubbing his fingers with my thumb. 

        Danny looked up at the clock down the hall and looked back at me. "I've gotta get to next class. Are we good?" I nodded and pecked his lips. 

       "Go before you're late." He went running down the hall. I opened my locker to grab my phone before shutting it again and heading down to the lunch room. 

       I really do like Daniel, however, his attitude towards Calum makes me lose all feeling because he's a plain as day jerk. There's a difference from being cocky and just being a straight-up asshole and he was honestly half way there. 

       I opened the door and walked into the crowded and loud room. Finding the table, I took my seat next to Luke at the end. "Where's Roy?" I asked them. 

       "In the kitchen. He's telling us what there is to eat," Luke replied. I nodded. Michael's phone went off and he picked it up. 

       "Chicken? Oh, I'm so going in!" Michael said happily as the rest jumped from their seats and ran to the kitchen. Zoey and I laughed at them and stayed at the seats, waiting for one of them to return. 

        "So, what was that about?" She asked, sliding over. She does that when she gets bored or anxious. And I never really know why. 

        "Well, can you sit still long enough for me to tell you?" I asked with a laugh. She stopped moving and laughed at me and stayed still. 

        "Alright, what's up?" 

        "He apologized," I said. Zoey's eyes widened. 

        "Daniel? Apologizing? Since when did he do that?" 

        "Since 7:50 this morning when I about scared the shit out of him!" I explained. 

        "What did you say?" She asked a little loudly. 

        "I told him I'd snap him in half if he wouldn't leave you guys alone. Because like you said, it's gonna move from Calum to Michael to Luke to Roy and most likely you too," I explained. "I'm not having you guys go down under for me. You don't deserve that." Zoey stuck her bottom lip out and placed her hand on mine. 

        "Only if the boys knew you were that sweet!" She joked, making me laugh. "I'm being serious though. They'd appreciate that," she said.

       Luke and Calum came walking out way, returning to the table. Luke set his tray down and I looked at the food. "They have garlic bread too?" I asked. That's definitely not something you see together....chicken and garlic bread. 

       "Mhm," he said. 

      "Shoot! I better go make my move!" Luke laughed and I slide out of the table as Luke allowed me to and ran with Zoey to the line as he and Calum laughed at us.

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