ch. 2

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-------------^ Zoey

"When you said you were moving, I did not expect it to be so close to me," I joked as he let me into the house.

"Haha, very funny, Baxter. But I'm just as shocked as you are," he teased. I rolled my eyes and walked into the living room where two women stood. "Mum, Mali, this is our neighbor, Kenzie. I go to school with her," Calum introduced me. The woman turned around I knew her immediately.

"Joy, right?" I asked. My mum and Joy were school friends. Well, I guess that makes Calum's family and mine connected.

"Yes, you are correct. How are you?"

"I'm pretty good. Do you guys need any help with moving?" I asked, hands in my jacket pocket.

"I think the furniture needs to be moved up in the family room," Mali, I'm assuming who is Calum's sister, said.

"Okay! I'm fine with that!" I said, smiling at them.

"Mali, by the way. It's nice to meet you," she said, shaking my hand. After getting into a small conversation, Calum led me up the few steps to the family room.

"You don't mind this?" I ask, taking my hands out of my pocket.

"Why would I?" He asked.

"Well, I just suddenly appear at your door. We've only known each other for a year."

Calum and I met last year during our Freshman year. We became friends rather fastly and that was when I met Michael. I met Zoey and Roy in third grade. 

"Kenzie, it's cool! It's just a coincidence. You live next door, it's not like you stalked me and found my house." I laughed at him and grabbed the other end of the center table and walked it to the center of the room.

"Although, you never know..." I joked. Calum rolled his eyes and we continued to move around other stuff.


Calum and I finished and we walked into the kitchen where Mali was putting some cups and glasses away. "Well, I've gotta head home. Since you guys are still unloading everything, I'm sure my mum wouldn't mind if you guys came for dinner!" I offered. Mali smiled at me.

"I like this girl!" Mali said, pointing at me as she looked at Calum. I laughed. "Let me talk to our mother and we'll let you know," Mali answered. I nod and turned to Calum, who nods in agreement.

"Sounds good. I'll see you guys later!" I waved to them and Calum walked me out. "Your sister is so nice," I said.

"Yeah...for now," Calum said. I rolled my eyes.

"I heard that!" I laughed as Cal's face turned red.

"SORRY!" He called. I shook my head and stepped outside.

"Alright, see ya!" I said, waving. Calum smiled before closing the door. I entered back into my house and walked into my bedroom, texting my mum about the invite. She said it was fine and that she'd let Joy know. So I decided to get a jump in on my studies.

I grabbed my text book and opened it up to my Spanish section and began to read before I'd get to my vocab copy. I heard a knock on my window that made me jump. Zoey waved at me and I shook my head, laughing at her. I rolled off my bed and unlocked the window and she crawled in.

"Hey!" She said, landing on her feet.

"The front door was open you know," I said.

"Yeah, I know. I just like climbing through the window," she said making me laugh.

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