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  "Guys, you have to tell me what happened in the forest today. I would've stuck around, but you know I can't let Aizawa have that satisfaction-" You stopped mid-sentence looking up from just wrapping your towel. Of course, you expected to see boobs, lots of boobs. Instead, there were a bunch of bare chests. The guys stared at you in utter shock covering whatever parts they had hanging loose.

"y/n? What the are you doing over here? Were you not informed that these are gender assigned bathing houses?"

You pretended to be in shock from Iida's words "I can't believe you're just assuming my gender like this! What if I was just trying to experiment?" His face went a deep red from embarrassment. You simply laughed and put a hand on his shoulder "I'm just messing around with you! But the little note under my door said that it would be the one on the left.."

Both of you immediately turned to Mineta who had his eyes set on your thighs "You pervert! Have you no shame? There's nothing you wouldn't do to just see some skin, it's disgusting!" Iida covered you more with his body while Kirishima went to grab him, but he ended up slipping away. The ball headed boy went over to the wall staring up at it.

"I don't need this! You know what? Wallth were meant to be climbed!" He shouted before ripping two balls off his head and using them to climb the wall just to take a peek from the other side.

"Mineta I swear on everything I will-" You stopped mid-step to see Kota already at the top pushing Mineta down. He said something incoherent to him right before the push. You placed your hand over your heart feeling almost touched "He's.. He's the best!" You cried out watching him turn around. You could hear Ochako's faint voice thanking him and the next thing you know he had fell to the floor.

"Ah shit.." You mumbled going through the door to go get him. Izuku had gotten up as well following behind to make sure he got somewhere safe. Looking back at Izuku you smiled "Awe! You care about him even though he punched you in the nuts!"

Izuku rolled his eyes playfully giving a small smile "Listen, you got some time to get close to him and I didn't! Maybe he was just cautious or something"

"Yeah, cautious of your balls" You laughed and Izuku couldn't help but smile more.

"Okay let's stop talking about my balls and save this kid alright?"

"Izuku Midoryia, you really were born to be a hero" He almost stopped in his tracks from your sentence. He knew you were just saying what you felt. I mean when weren't you. But these words held so much power. They gave him a new sense of confidence. Once the two of you had found his cousin you laid him gently on the couch. Standing back up you fixed your towel and looked over at Izuku's "We're damn near naked! Oh, and Kota fell saving us from a massive pervert. Seriously, I don't know how he's still enrolled at his school"

You shook your head looking over at her "He's going to be okay right?" She nodded with a somber look.

"He is. He's strong like his parents. They passed away actually. That's why he's here staying with us. They passed away fighting a villain. He was so young that he assumed they cared more for their job than him himself. That they just died without a care in the world for his feelings, but everyone else knew better. That's why he hates heroes like that.. And kicked you in the crotch. Sorry about that by the way"

You snorted but when back to a serious face "Sorry, I know you were talking about dead parents and stuff but then you started talking about his balls again and I just lost track.. Is that all?" The woman nodded with a smile sitting next to Kota.

"It's fine y/n. Now why don't the two of you go and get some clothes on. I know you must be cold!" You laughed hitting Izuku gently in the chest.

"He ain't cold. I'm so hot that he's probably sweating right now!" Izuku's face went red, and he turned around quickly.

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