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"(y/n)? You know I said I'd trust you when you said we were going to a different type of place, but seriously where are we going?" The boy looked more confused and flustered than usual. He had every right to look confused just by everything you were doing. Currently, you were whipping your head around desperately trying to find something. Outside looking in there was a reason for concern. Before he could continue on with his rant you found some curtains that you tug on soon bringing a smile to your lips.

"Got it! Alright, get your ass in here." You grab his hand and pull him inside causing you to both disappear in the pure (but rather dirty) velvet. A small gasp left him when a small market was revealed.

"Here we are, green-haired boy! The misuteri market!" You made sure to hop in front of him just to do the jazz hands you'd been rehearsing in your head for.

"Oh! I've never heard of this market before." He smiled at your little stunt and clapped his hands together. "Do you want to show me around while we talk about the notebook?"

"No, I actually brought you here to publicly pull your guts out."

His position got defensive and before he could quickly throw a punch you stopped his arm with furrowed brows.

"Whoa! Slow down there! I was joking, but sorry that it was kind of graphic. Also, I'm not scared of you and your punches. You'd just break your bones anyway." You let go of the now defeated boy's wrist. He looked like a week-old deflated balloon. Some guilt started to build up in your chest seeing him like this.

"Hey, I'm not going to say that I'm wrong, because I'm not. If you want me to change my mind, then well, change my damn mind. Don't break your bones when you throw simple punches." You shrugged and began into the market.

Hearing you he immediately perked up. He groaned seeing that he had lost you to the sea of people. "For this being a mystery market it has a lot of people." He mumbled going in.

All the stands seemed to be selling things one wouldn't see in other markets. Voodoo dolls, illegal movies, and foods that he had never in his life seen before. He found you staring down at one of the movies a sketchy guy was selling.

"Hey (y/n)? I don't think you should be buying movies from this man. It doesn't look like a good deal."

You turned to him with a down look and an empty wallet.

"I couldn't buy it even if I wanted to-"

Midoryia placed his hands on your shoulders before they could be stared down by him any longer. "If you need money for something I'll be happy to buy some food for you. Nothing like voodoo dolls. alright?"

Thinking about the deal you nodded your head.


"So, you were absolutely serious that you weren't born with a quirk?" He held his notebook close and scribbled down important details he had been already told.

Currently, you were focused purely on the ice cream cone in your hand. It was from this new stand here. There were purple swirls with some red mixed in. There was absolutely no idea on what the flavor could actually be, but whatever it was it was god damn delicious.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. I never had a quirk. I just trained really hard and got super fast and strong." You explained taking occasional licks for your ice cream. The mumbling started and he wrote even more in that notebook of his. Leaning over his shoulder you watched as he made detailed bullet points on everything you had said.

'Is he trying to take over the world?'

"So what's with the mumbling? You do that often" Another lick.

"Huh? Oh! W-Well it's just a habit I've developed since I was younger. My mom says she can't even remember when I started mumbling. One day I just started and never stopped." He rubbed the back of his neck and shut his notebook. "I guess that's enough writing in my notebook. This was supposed to be with a friendly intention. Not me just fangirling- or asking you about your super cool abilities."

You chuckled and elbowed him a bit too hard. He started to fall of the bench, but you caught him before he fully went "Looks like I'm saving your ass once again Izuku Midoryia. Are we going to make this a daily thing?"

His face went bright red and pulled away once he was stable once again "N-No! Don't worry! Just don't elbow me so hard next time!"

This made you chuckle "I won't" With the last lick of your ice cream you started eating the cone. "Alright, I'm ready to leave when you are."


Was class always this boring?

"A class rep?" The class started chatting making Aizawa talk over them.

"Just choose one before the day is over. I don't care who it is, just let me nap." With that, he escaped into his tiny cocoon of a sleeping bag.

"I wonder if he cleans that thing. If he doesn't maybe one day it really will swallow him up." You mumbled and twirl your pencil in between your fingers. Everyone around you discussed the matter of reps up until lunchtime. They had finally decided that Izuku would be class rep with Momo as runner-up. The ringing of the bell caused you to spring up out of your seat and head straight to lunch waiting for nobody.

Of course, they eventually caught up with you.

Mina specifically.

"Come on y/n! Come sit with us!" She wrapped her arm around your shoulder.

"Mina, I promise you once I actually get my lunch I will sit with you" this made her squeal and skip over to the lunch table. As you promised when you grabbed your lunch you headed over to sit next to her and Sero.

It consisted of Denki talking about theories and Kirishima agreeing with him.

"So do you don't think cows are from the moon? What other animal gives out milk from things like utters? They're super weird bro"

You crossed your arms. Now you weren't the sharpest crayon in the box, but you knew something was wrong "Goats? Llamas? Women?"

"Well women aren't animals, so ha! I still wi-" The school alarm started blaring resulting in chaos all over the room.

"What the hell is happening?" You were able to yell out getting shoved into others.

"Someone's broken into the school! Get to safety immediately everyone!"

Someone's broken in? This could be fun. You started moving away from the crowd to be able to find whoever broke into the school. Maybe this could be the challenge you've been waiting for! The chance to finally have a fair-

"For fucks sake"

You groan seeing the reporters all at the front gate. "All of this for a false alarm? I thought UA was supposed to be high tech" Looking around you see the empty lunchroom.

"Now what.."


"So you're telling me Iida got up on the exit sign and calmed down all those people?" Ochako was retelling the story in extreme detail and some impressive action moves.

"Yeah! You should've seen it y/n! He was scared, but still a good leader."

With a small smile, you gave Iida a nudge. "That sounds pretty amazing" He scooted his glasses up with two fingers.

"I'm just here to help"

"I'm having second thoughts" Midoryia mumbled as they walked into the classroom. He headed to the front and got everybody's attention. "I'm thinking that Iida should be the new class rep. The way he handled that situation with the news reporters was amazing. So if that's alright with Momo and you guys then it's settled.

Everyone nodded and added to the point.

You bounced a ball you found in the lunchroom against the wall.

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