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"He had a blood kink"

"Excuse me.. I'm not sure I understand"

You sat on Shoto's bed looking at the police officer.

"I'm just trying to get information and if you could explain what that means.."

"I think" Midoryia spoke up from his bed "I think she means that he had a blood quirk. He would cut people and then once he consumed their blood they would be frozen. Although I'm assuming the amount of time you were frozen depended on your blood type. Native wasn't there but it could only be that he was paralyzed for a longer time then Iida was"

The police officer gave him a grateful look writing all of this information down.

You turned to Shoto "Did I not say that?"

"No. They don't understand your humor, and neither do I"

"You'll understand it eventually don't worry. Maybe you'll even crack a your mom joke!"

"Why are we talking about my mom? Nothing about her is a joke to me"

"And this is where we stop the conversation" You patted his shoulder placing your focus on the new police officer in the room.

"It's a-"

"y/n please don't" Izuku gave you a knowing look. You changed your view from him to the officer once again.

"Alright.." You mumbled

"My name is Kenji Tsuragamae. I am the head of the Hosu police force. As you can guess I am here because of the events from last night. The four of you must be punished. You have had to be informed of the consequences of using your quirks without a license- yes?"

You had your hand raised so you could interrupt.

"I actually don't have a quirk. Almost everyone can vouch on me for that. Am I still in trouble?"

He turned his head to look at Aizawa, who only confirmed your statement.

"Well I suppose that now makes you a witness. One of the other police officers can get your viewpoints-" The officer interviewing Izuku shook his head.

"I think we've got enough information out of her sir"

"Alright then. You're free to go"

You nodded your head going to collect your things.

"We're being punished because we acted quickly? If we didn't do anything Native would've died!"

"Maybe that's not a bad thing.." You grumbled trying not to catch any attention.

Shoto sat up in his bed ready to continue, but Grand Torino stopped him.

"Let him finish"

"Trust me. It's not my doing. I would've wanted to let you go unscathed. There aren't enough witnesses so it will be remaining unclosed. The three of you won't get recognition for the fight. Endeavor will instead"

"Well you should've started off with that you mutt"

Your laughter rang out across the room as you hunched over. Everyone's heads turned to you because you couldn't control yourself.

"I-I'm sorry! I have- I have to go!" You walked out the room a trail of giggles keeping up. Making your way out the hospital you texted your parents you would be home soon. It was a strange couple of days. Which turned even stranger when you bumped into someone.

"You look familiar.." His voice was playful, almost teasing.

"Please don't do this whole guessing game shenanigan" You walked past Kiyoshi shaking your head.

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