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"y/n?" Shoji's voice came closer as he noticed what you were doing. You were laying on your back in the big square part of the stairwell.

"Hm? Oh hey Shoji" That was all you gave him leaving him even more confused.

"Are you going to explain why you're laying down? Especially on a dirty stairwell. Do you know how many people's feet have been on there?"

You shrugged your shoulders "I talk to the janitor. He's OCD and cleans this stairwell with bleach three times a day every two and a half hours. That's why it always smells like citrus"

He raised his eyes brows at the new information "I.. didn't know that"

"Nobody really does. They don't get to know the staff like I do"

He chuckled in response.

"I bet you only know the staff because of how many times you've been in the principals office" This had you sitting up shaking your head.

"And here I thought you were just some quiet, multiple limbed kid. That was a good one. I'll get you back" You laid back down again closing your eyes "Plus nobody uses this stairwell anyways. It leads to such unimportant rooms"

"You mean the principal's office? And the teachers lounge?"

"Exactly. Fucking useless"

Before he could continue the conversation you sprung right back up "You have lots of arms!"

"Thanks for noticing?.."

"No, you can help me with something! Look, you're out of class for whatever reason right? You can help me really quick! If you get in trouble just blame everything on me. I don't care"

He shockingly agreed to your request quicker than you thought. Given you had much more excuses to throw at him anyways. The two of you went to your locker to collect whatever you were so excited about.

You started to pile snacks and drinks into his arms until even he could barely see over top.

"How did you fit this all in your locker?"

You laughed guiding him up the stairs "You think I keep actual books in my locker? No thank you. Made room for the more important things"

Once the two of you got to your destination, he was confused to say the least. Although by now he should know that when doing something with you, he's going to be confused at least once.

"You brought me to the Principal's office? Didn't we just talk about this place being useless?"

You shrugged, taking the snacks from his arms and putting them into a cart.

"It's useless when they're here bugging me all the time. It's not useless though when I'm able to do stuff like this without them saying, 'You shouldn't be this comfortable in the principal's office' or 'y/n this is my office. you can't just move your own desk into here' They just don't understand my vision" You mumble taking the last of the snacks to put away.

"Can you believe it? They won't even let me put a mini fridge for my drinks in here! I tried to make a PowerPoint but they still wouldn't budge.

Now that he had a clear view he could notice how you decorated the place. There was your sign that labeled which chair was rightfully yours in the corner. Right next to it being the caddy you just filled up with snacks.

"So.. they let you do this stuff without even batting an eye?"

"Shoji," You otter your hand on his shoulder "Are you new here? They never let me do anything without hovering over me. You should know that by now. Plus they don't really respect me so they deserve none back. You went to sort the bags of chips by color but was interrupted by two new voices entering inside.

forgotten responsibility | bnha x op!readerWhere stories live. Discover now