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"I can't believe it! They're wearing uniforms!" Denki sulked sliding down the wall. You pulled the bottoms down since they were riding up from jumping in.

"I have to agree with denki. My swimsuits at home don't even ride up this much. I think I got the wrong size because seriously what the fuck" You turned to see Mineta looking straight into your ass. Assumably thinking about what it looks like without. With a simple kick he was in the pool struggling in the deep end "Oh no.. Hopefully he doesn't sink.."

Walking away you walked down the ladder into the pool "It's not going to just be you two guys right? Cause if it is I might have to leave. I can't handle being perverted by both of you at the same time" Denki shook his head, going to look at his phone from the seat next to him.

"Nah, I invited Midoryia, and I think he invited everyone else" You hummed, now hearing Ochako call your name to finish the game of volleyball they had started "Uh, I appreciate it, but I think I better not be slamming balls down too hard. This earned a laugh from both you and Denki. When he came to highfive you, your hand grabbed him pulling him into the pool "He needed to get a little wet. Too much sulking is bad for you"

So you sat on the edge of the pool being the moderator for the game of volleyball "Nice spike Momo! Keep up the good work-" The sound of the door opening interrupted you. Izuku walked in with all of the other boys. You waved cheerfully going to walk over. Although your steps slowed down the closer you got the more of them you could really see. Iida opened his mouth but all you could look at was his arms. He looked much stronger than you remembered. He crossed his arms and you could see the slight strain on them.

"y/n! Are you even listening to me?"

"Hm?" You finally looked up at his face which had goggles. To top it off he also wore a yellow swim cap "yesh.. That moment is over" Shaking your head, you turned towards Izuku who chuckled. He knew you thought the extra get up was just absurd, and so did he. Visibly you could see him laughing, his chest going up and down. His build was different than iida's but he was still built. He had softer abs which he slightly covered with his arms.

"y/n? Are you feeling okay?" Izuku's face went light pink seeing you stare so intently. All you could do was nod and swing your arms back and forth.

"Yup! Yeah, mhm.. I'm not usually like this" With a clap of your hands you went to turn around but Todoroki stopped you standing right behind "Oh! Hi Sho.."

He had his arms stiffly by his sides "y/n, i'm shirtless too. I don't mind if you look at me"

He broke you out of whatever daze you were in. You placed your hand on his shoulder hunching over to laugh "Th-Thank you! I really needed that" He looked down at you, himself, then the other two. His ind couldn't grasp the idea of why you were laughing at him this time.

"Why are you laughing? Am I not fit enough for you? I should be. I've been training hard since I was young. The muscle I've been developing is more than anyone here-" You shut him up with a kiss on his cheek.

"Don't worry, I'm not laughing at you physically. You're just cute and naive most of the time" You patted the other side of his cheek leaving him standing there in shock. He looked over to Iida and Izuku who also were a bit shocked. Being the kind of friend he was, Izuku gave him a thumbs up even if he was feeling a little jealous. Maybe he should've gone back to his shy self..

To cool yourself off from the sea of abs you just witnessed you made a plot to jump right into the girl's volleyball game. At the right moment where the ball wouldn't come in contact you jumped right in. Ochako and Mina squealed out getting more soaked than they were before. You rise up from under the water laughing. You saw Ochako's face and quickly went to hug her "I'm sorry honey! I love you!" She started laughing instead of hugging back.

"It's okay sweetheart!" The two of you were so into a fit of giggles that the two of you forgot that you had to be swimming to stay afloat. So soon enough the both of you flipped backwards and under the water. Both of you flipped yourselves back up fanning your noses.

"Burning! Burning!" Ochako searched for the edge of the pool pulling you over with her. You sat up on the ledge next to her. When the burning died down for the both of you the laughing started up again. Gently, you nudged her side.

"I'm going to start calling you honey from now on. We're officially married" You wrapped one arm around her which she accepted by putting her head on your shoulder.

"I accept sweetheart. We're going to have three kids. No more, no less" You pretended to think for a minute before nodding.

"Three kids is a deal. As long as we can have one dog and travel the world" The two of you sat like that for a while. That was until Katsuki decided to bust up there like a madman. He was yelling around then had most of it faced towards Izuku. The green-haired boy shook his head but Iida nodded his. Clapping his hands together he gathered the guys around talking enthusiastically. You and Ochako sat up going to see what they were lining up about.

"It's a competition! Just because we're on summer break doesn't mean we still can't train. I mean we do have the camp coming up. We'll need to be ready for whatever they throw at us" That was Iida alright. Always prepping for anything. So the two of you sat and watched all of the competitions not rooting for anybody in particular.

It soon came down to the final three. But who was really surprised, it always came down to these three.

"We need a prize for the person in first place, don't you think?" Kirishima asked, looking around at the other guys who agreed.

"Why doesn't y/n give them a kiss? It's not like they won't like it. It's a prize everybody wants-" Your hand reached out to grab one of the balls on his head. You squeezed it harshly before throwing him across the pool onto the wall.

"He's weird"

"I agree, and we need a different prize. I already got that one" Shoto said shrugging, catching the attention of Katsuki who whipped his head towards you.

"You kissed him? When? Where? How?"

"Number one, it was a kiss on the cheek. Number two, stop acting like you care. And number three.. Ready, set, go!" You yelled indicating for them to start. Their hero-like instincts had them off in a flash, but they simply dropped into the water like pebbles. Wrapping both arms around your stomach laughing uncontrollably. Everyone wondered why such a thing had happened until they turned around to see Aizawa.

He had a serious look on his face waiting until the boys were out of the water to talk "The pool is closed. I'm giving you ten minutes to get changed and get out"

Katsuki climbed out of the pool with a scowl on his face "What the hell was that for? We were just about to race" Aizawa was walking to the door but turned to hear him complain.

"Oh? Well thanks to Bakugou now you have five minutes. If you're still here guess you're getting locked in" Everyone groaned glaring at Katsuki on the way to the locker rooms.

"Nice job katsuki. now hopefully this is a lesson to keep your mouth shut"

"well you weren't complaining when-"

"no time to talk! four minutes left!"

next chapters are.. game changers 🙃
LMFAOO what if I just never updated again 😭😭

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