8: Escape

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Lucas had seemed so laid back and put on the charm really thick. I was truly not entertained by his sweet words. I just didn't care for him all too much. As much as he tried to chat me up I mostly kept my answers short and simple, if I even bothered. He was entertained by my, toughness. He said I put on a 'mean girl' look.

A luxury restaurant is where he decided to take us, I had never heard of this place before. It was small and almost hidden between two bigger office buildings. I only managed to eat a little before I let my plans play through. While the dog of a man fell for the waitress' act, her un-shameful flirting I excused myself to the bathroom. He couldn't be bothered to care much barely saying a word. As nervous and scared as I was I pushed down my feeling and acted once in the bathroom. I locked the door inside to slow him down once he got suspicious. I had managed to climb out of a small window high up in the bathroom. I hoisted myself onto the trashcan I flipped it upside down. It only had a lock on the inside and I had to squeeze myself through a tight fit. I began to walk, and quickly. I didn't want to run and draw attention to myself. I wanted to blend in. I was glad I left my blazer on my chair, It was hot outside. I couldn't be sure exactly the time but it was around brunch time. Being on the upper side of the city meant I had a long way to go before I found something familiar. I could only hope I would see a main road or some place familiar sooner rather than later

I kept my head down and a low profile. I had no money, no phone and knew no one in this area. I at least fit in with the crowd as I made multiple turns up and down the street. I prayed he took too long to notice me so I had more time to make distance but as I walked through the crowds of meandering people I knew I only had so much time. I was 5 blocks away from the the restaurant until I spotted a familiar street, 2nd Ave. Even though I'm terrible at directions, I knew I would find my way around. It's a common street I took that would lead me to my favorite 'fancy' pizza shop. I went there as often as I could afford mostly to buy something small, it was a treat. I was on the far end of this street but I spotted a familiar high-end boutique that I would walk up to. I knew I just needed to go down this long street before I made it to some place familiar. I wish I had the watch so I could tell the time.

I was determined to get as far away from the monster of brothers as fast I could. I felt so invigorated to feel free. I found myself looking back more times then forward, I was so jumpy even as I tried not to act like I was being followed. I wanted things to go smoothly. If I had to walk home I would, whatever home was anymore. Did I even have my home anymore? I don't think I could trust my parent. I would have to call my best friend, Imani. She's the only person who would take me in no questions asked. Well she would ask a million question, AFTER we were safe at her place. I finally seen a place a knew well, Edgerpark Pizzeria. For this area, this place was on the cheaper side but their prices were high for our budget. I remember coming here since I was a teen and was able to access money all on my own. I would hide extra before my dad could get to it, and save up to go as often as I could. Imani brought me here a few times. It gave me so many amazing memories. I walked into the shop with a sigh of relief. I felt like if I made it this far I had so much less to worry about. By now Alessio had to be looking for me, but I was going to stay gone. He cannot make me marry him, not without a fight.

"There she is!" exclaimed the owner, Ramon. 

He was a large, round man. He had dark brown hair and was balding at the top of his head, you could see it coming through, over the years it got worse and worse. He had a full scruffy beard as well and a booming deep voice that warmed any room. I felt at ease hearing someone familiar. I gave him a smile as I sat down at the table closest to the counter exhausted. My legs burned from walking so fast for so long, I was sweating as the cool air blasted me in relief. It felt like a safe place, an escape place now more than ever.

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