23: Passato

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[3 years ago]

A few weeks passed, and payments had dwindled back down to almost nothing. I found myself so agitated by this man. He cried tears of nothing about losing his job. I really couldn't care less. I found myself posted up across the street from the apartment complex yet again. It was the second time we had to come, I was about ready to personally rearrange his face, so he got the point. I don't care what he had to do. He needed to get me my money. I wanted to kill to prick for playing games with me. I found myself hesitating on this, I knew the backlash it would cause for the family memebers. Espcially, the beautiftul woman that caught my eyes. I felt held up by her. She would come in my mind escpially dealing with the deadbeat who owed me money. It was strange to even care about her or what backlash my choices would make, yet I did.
"This is the last warning before I start busting heads," I said to Lorenzo.

"Understood," Lorenzo nooded. He looked past me before tapping my shoulder and pointing behind me. She walked out of the building quietly. It was late, so I wondered what she was doing out here.

"Whats her name again," I asked him.


Jada. A gem of beauty. She was dressed in an all black uniform. Where did she work? She was too pretty to work, at least to me. She looked at her phone before hopping into a parked car on the side of the street.

"Go, text me when you're done," I said to him. He shot me a sly smile before heading off. I hated how much Lorenzo could read me, it was becoming annoying. He knew what I was up to, like it was any of his business my affairs.

"Follow that blue toyota," I told the driver quickly.

He nodded, waiting a few moment before following them. Did she live close by? I had felt like some kind of weird stalker,but I needed to know. I found her intoxicating, she filled my mind in the silence. Maybe enetertaining my curiosity more wouldn't do any harm. I barely even knew how I would pursue her. I didn not know what kind of man she liked, would she be interested in an Italian man like me? The things I would say in my mother tongue would be very vulgar. I respected her though, I didn't want any harm come to her. I didn't want to trick her. I wanted to woo her instead. I knew if I got invoved her I would complicate her into my life, dangerous as it was. I wonder if she enjoyed adventure. We followed her car till it pulled over, my driver drove forward, took a turn, and then a u-turn. He posted us a couple hundred feet away.

I caught her walking into the building while I fought the urge to follow her inside. I couldn't just randomly corner the girl. She looked much younger than me anyway. I contemplated what I thought I would get out of this. She lived almost an hour away from her parents' house. I wasted a lot of time for basically nothing. All I did was see her, yet I loved seeing her even if for just a few moments. I wanted to see more for her. I took a deep breath. It's harmless.

"Let go home," I said. I looked at the text Lorenzo sent me almost half an hour ago, 'handled'.

I didn't even noticed he texted me during this whole time. My attention was to focused on me. If she knew the power she had on me, I'm like a puppy right now. I wondered if she would risk one night with me if she was that kind of girl. I had hoped she was the faithful type. What I hoped more was that she would leave him. I wanted the chance to swift her off her feet.

I wouldn't mind taking her on as a mistress, I would propose this to Elena. I never had a desire for one, not until now. It seemed silly to let her go so easily. Instead, I preferred to keep her close. I felt drawn to her like opposite ends of a magnet. I could not understand why I liked her so much, I just felt something different with her. I didn't even know the woman, I never even heard her speak. Only her laugh, one that I could no longer remember. Maybe it was her soft ways as she ignored the world. She had her own to be concerned about. She minded her own business and had this aura about it. She was unlike anyone I had ever laid eyes on

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