1: Here

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If I ever took the moment to notice the things around me, I might not have landed myself where I sat. My eyes were covered with a blindfold and my mouth stuffed with some kind of fabric. My hands tied behind the back of the chair I sat in. My legs were duck taped to the chair. Thankfully, I was wearing pants, or this would be way worse. I'm on edge, I'm confused and lost. I barely remember how I got here. I just remember being approached by two men after leaving work. I could only breathe through my nose, and my heart was beating out of my chest while my stomach was lodged in my throat. Tears spilled out of me like an over filled cup, but I did not dare sob. I didn't know where I was or who was here. I just woke up. I felt petrified. Try to stay calm. It was cold, really cold. My arms were not covered by any fabric. They were the coldest part of me. What is going on?

I've been kidnapped by some random guys, and I didn't even know where I was being taken. My eye pulsed in pain. I felt my head throb as my body began to wince. I held in my yell as I dug my nail into my hand. My head was killing me.

This wasn't going to end well for me. I wasn't ready to die. I just started life. I'm too young for this, I've barely even been able to start my life. I had never found the one, or settled down or had a family or found my dream job. I never really got a chance to say goodbye, either. Not to my parents or my sister or my friends. I never had my wedding day. I haven't done anything. My life has been nothing but a boring blur of school or work. Nothing really stuck out. Things around me just happened. I slumped down into the hard chair, feeling so defeated. I'm absolutely FUCKED!

Without warning the blindfold was ripped off my head. I jumped in the chair as the light blinded me. I winced as I tried to adjust. I blinked quickly, trying to consume my surroundings as quickly as possible. My head made two quick motions before my chin was grabbed aggressively. I was forced to look in the eyes on a man. His eyes were a green almost hazel color, yet void of any soul. His eyebrows furrowed in fury, and his nose flaired.

"Dont scream," he warned harshly. I just looked at him blankly. He looked pissed. I didn't move before he slowly took the gag out of my mouth. When I went to close my mouth, I could feel the ache in my jaw and my lip swollen. What happened? Did he hit me?


I hear a door slam. My eyes diverted toward the sound. My head turned in reaction. A large man came stalking in wearing a crisp grey vest and matching grey pants. He had a full beard with matching black hair. His hair was pushed back with a few strands laying on his forehead. He had these cold, dark brown eyes that looked right through me. His shoulders were broad. I didn't get more than a glance before the man in front of me spoke.

"I was sent to bring this delivery," he said more cheerfully.

I looked back over at the scary guy with light brown hair. my eyes finally scanned the barren room. It was all concrete. There was a bucket in the corner along with a sink and a dirty brown mattress. It was slightly dirty as I noticed the dirt beneath my feet. I noticed a second man standing off to the side with an amused look on his face. What is happening. It was silent for a moment before the man before me with brown hair spoke.

"This was gifted over and should square things away. If you gave me a moment I can tell you the clients name. It must be in private though," he said, then ran his fingers along my cheek.

In one swift motion, I saw the man's necks grabbed by the black haired man. He was thrown across the room with a thud. The man coughed before my line of vision was obstructed. He examined my face with his eyes.
"Mia bella regina," he muttered before turning on his heel, now facing toward both men. He didn't speak English, maybe Spanish or Italian?

"Who sent you into my home! And bringing her like this!" he roared out. He kicked the brown haired man on the floor while the other chuckled putting his hands up. My body jumped while the man yelled out, then tried to scurry back. And then he stomped down on his head. I stopped breathing as I stared at the scene. He then bent over and began to punch him repeatedly. My eyes became blurry as I teared up. This man was going to kill me. He raged on pounding the man to a pulp. I closed my eyes as I heard the grunts and cries. I opened my eyes ansawen his limp body bruised and battered. He looked dead. I just witnessed a murder. He just murdered him. His eyes were so swollen they were open. Teeth on the floor along with blood. I realized that I was the only person making noise, and I cried. I don't think it was for the man but for what I have seen. I was going to be next. What did I get myself into. Why me? Why?

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