11: Punish

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It was almost comical how much of an idiot he thought of me, or maybe he didn't care all too much about me. Either way was insulting and infuriating. Sofia was right. He couldn't resist it.. His claims of wanting to be married meant nothing, I would never do anything for a liar like him. How many times, how many other women? It was digusting when he came back over to kiss on me. I cursed my body for betraying me. He was the WORST! His disrespect was astounding, yet what he didn't realize about me is that when I want to annoy and anger him, I will. I won't be the only fool. I could play his game, get my own fuck buddy.

It was lunchtime, and Alessio decided to take me out for lunch. I had not said anything since the jewlers shop. Her sly smile at me after was all the confirmation I needed. He didn't notice her one bit. If she wanted him, I would be more than happy to hand him over. Any of these droves of women can keep the prick. I was stuck with him, I really wanted to make him regret it.

I browsed the menu for D'Angelos and used it to hide my face. He was staring at me, hard. I had refused to give hime the time of day. I could never be sure what he was thinking. I couldn't fathom his obsession with me either. I glanced over the appetizers: shrimp cocktails, seared pork belly, and crab cakes.The pork belly had my mouthwatering. I viewed the entrées as my eyes landed on the steaks. Options ranged from a ribeeye to a filet mignon to a tomahawk. I've heard a few things about this place, one it's expensive and bouijee, and two seats were almost impossible to come by. I was still slightly surprised Alessio was able to get one with little issue and no reservation.

"Hi, I'm Rob. I'll be your waiter today. Can I get you both started with some drinks?"

"Negroni," Alessio responded immediately.

"I'll have just a water, please," I said.

"Can I start with an appetizer?" I asked before the waiter put away his notepad. He nodded.

"Can I get the seared pork belly and the crab cakes, please?"

"Of course, I'll be right out with your drinks first," the waiter confirmed.

Sometimes, I wondered if my heads were in the clouds before this whole situation. A whole bunch of bull shit was going on right under my nose. Not even a hint I could smell out. The waiter was cute on a side note, but I didn't see the point in getting him wrapped up in my mess of a life.

"You've been awfully quiet. Are you not happy with your ring," he asked me, leaning close to me as always. His invasion of my personal space was ridiculous. He need to back up.

"Nothing," I spoke bluntly. I'm not entertaining his flirting or his fake kindness. I attempted to push him away but he was unmoving. I however moved and I took that as a good sign. His eyes stayed on me as I pretended to inspect the menu more. He scooted himself even closer to me in the booth. I tensed up, but I refuse to move, now. I'm not going to let him scare me or let my body betray me. He gently turned my head to him, I met his intense gaze.

"Oh, I'm sorry, should I get on my knees. Throw my ass back. Would that catch your attention better?" I asked him.

"What are you -" he started, but I interrupted him.                 

"Your little fuck buddy seemed so pleased with herself. Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll get a shot. Or even better, I'll find my own fuck buddy," I said with a sly smile. He looked beyond me angrily, and his hand gripped my thigh roughly. He dug into me but I held the pain. Maybe he woudl finally get annoyed enough to want to leave me, that would be wonderful news. I could go back to my dead end job but all my friends, at least I couldn't be betrayed by my family any longer.

"Alessio," a voice boomed a few feet away from us. I tried to push his hand away, but he was like a brick wall.

"Get off me," I whispered harshly in his ear as a chubby man with grey hair and olive skin approached. You could see he was balding as he attempted a comb over to cover it. He wore a full dark grey suit and was accompanied by a younger man with similar facial features, and what I assumed was a body guard. I felt justified in my assumption as the bodyguard like man sat in the table in front of us. The younger man wore a black button up, showing off his chest and black pants. He was handsome. I loved his blue eyes, they shinned so bright, but never met me.

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