13: Proteggere

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I stood on the edge of the property with Lorenzo, pacing in front of him. This whole situation was crazy, I had never had an attack that was this well done. If I had not found the silence suspcious, she would be dead. He pointed the gun at her, that bastard. I would have beat him if I had the chance.I was still on edge, I was still angry. The memory wracked my brain as we came here. I couldn't hunt them down right away, Jada had to be safe first and foremost. I had blood on my body, small splatters. It had been over a decade since anyone had gotten this close to me. How they somehow got through my secuirty we had kept tight for so long! I never wanted Jada to see any of this, especially so soon. I didn't want to scare he more than I did alone. She was absolutely terrified, yet a small party of me was happy she leaned onto me. I had to figure out now who they are and who hired them. No way in hell was I going to accept this. Getting me out in public was one thing, but my home was my safe haven. Someone is coming after me and soon.

"Quick check, during shift change, they got the jump on our men. Security on the outside cameras is nowhere to be found. They had been watching you for a while to figure this out," Lorenzo informed me.

"They put a gun to her head! I will end anyone who is even remotely related to this for doing anything to her.," I exclaimed.

"I hear you, it's only been 4.5 hours, I came straight to you after a walk through. We need more time, " he said. I grabbed his shirt tightly, pulling him close to me.

"I need them yesterday! They dared to touch her, " I boomed. Lorenzo removed my hands from his shirt as he nodded in affirmation.

"Okay, I'll get on it. I need you to lay low here for a few days, a week. Calm down. Keep her company," he tried to convince me.

Everything in me wanted to go with him, to personally rearrange some head. I had to do this, I had to find the bastards who ever thought putting their hands on my wife was ever a good idea. I wanted to hunt down them and make the watch the ones they love be beat over and over, all because they not only fucked with me but the love of my light, my soul mate. I would rip their ball off and feed it to their wives. There would be hell to pay to anyone who knew anything, anything who wouldn't talk.

"I need to call a meeting," I said into the silence.

"Not yet, trust me bro. I will get to the bottom of this. You want to do some good, go take care of your girl." Lorenzo looked at me and then pointed behind me.

I turned around to find Lucas with Jada, her head was done and she was shaking. She was saying something to her which made me mad. Last time he was with her they ran off together. His face is looking better after I punched him, but he knows better than to hand close to her like that. I hated seeing them together and right now I was too easy to piss off. I was not leaving them alone.

"Fine, call me with ALL updates. I'll be back in a few days whether you find anything or not," I told him.

He nodded at me then left, security was crawling all over this place. I nodded at then men in front of the gate before leaving. Guards were all around the permineter, all cars were switched out. We were a whole state away so I doubted anyone woud chase this far after an assaination attempt like this. I quickly made my way back into the house entrance, feeling the anger watching her so close to him annoyed. Jada's forehead moved from his shoulder and darted to up to me when the door open. I looked into her big sad eyes, I think it finally hit her, what had happened. Her eyes were already glossy, and tears began to spill as she bit her lip. I closed the door softly and locked it take a quiet breath to regain themselves. I took her hand and led her downstairs to the right of us. I shot Luca a glare, he was testing me everytime they interacted clearly. We took a left after the stair case, pass the living room and into the bedroom. Her sobbing got loud once I closed the door. Her body was wracked by every tear. Her voice was unsteady as she sobbed onto me. Her arms wrapped around my neck, holding me tightly as our bodies pressed aganist oen another. I bought her to the bed and held her tight. She was as brave as she could muster, she held it in for a long time. I had not noticed her much as i was on and off the phone making arrangements. I had to set up the new phone and make the right contact so I could make quick work of everyone in my arsenol. I had paid little attention ot her beside holding her hand on and off. I was porud of her efforts even in her fear to listen to me, she tried but her fearful face as the gun touched her head was etched into my head. I couldn't dare let anything ever happen to her, I swear by it.

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