The performance

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You step onto the stage as you the fans scream for Stray Kids.

"Hello everyone. You all may know me as Y/N but today I am the MC of this show. I am so glad to see all of you who have come to support the boys. I want all of you to scream as loud as you can when they come on stage. I am here to announce the debut of STRAY KIDS," You say.

They come walking out one by one introducing themselves. You link eye contact with Minho. As you smile at him you hear Jisung talking to the fans.

You walk off stage so that they can perform a song. You watch the 8 of them form on stage looking back at everything they have done to get her and your time with them. You are now dating 2 of them wich you love them both.

Once the concert ends you meet up with them and go out for dinner.

"I just want to say I am so glad that we finally did it," Chan says.

"I am glad that we found each outer," Jeongin says.

"Um... where are Seungmin and Changbin?" Hyunjin asks.

"I did not even know that they were gone," Felix says.

"I will go see if I can find them," You say getting up.

"I will go with you," Jisung says following you.

as you leave the table you kiss Minho on the cheek and follow Jisung out.

"I think I know where they are," you tell Jisung grabbing his hand.

The both of you walk down the street to a park and find Seungmin and Changbin who look like are fighting.

"I just don't know min it's a lot to put together! We just debut and you ask me this! I don't even know what I like..." Changbin yells.

"What do you mean hyung?" Seungmin says trying to calm down Changbin.

"You telling me that you like me. I don't even know if I want to be with a guy or a girl even. I have really only talked about this with Jisung. He told me that he is bi but... When I like someone it is because of their gender identity. I how they are as a person the way they lift themself and the way they ask questions the way they help a friend in need. The way that they support me. Seungmin I may not know how to define what or who I like. But I like them for- no... I like you as you are. I know you like you because you fit a physical category... I am just confused," Changbin says as a tear falls on his face.

"It's ok to be confused," Seungmin says hugging changbin.

Jisung looks at you.

"Should we inter up this?" Jisung whispers.

"Umm..." You think.

"They are probably wondering where we went by now," Seungmin says as they start to walk back.

"Hold up Jisung, Y/N?" Changbin says as he sees you.

You smile awkwardly. "Hi," You wave.

"Did you hear our conversant Noona?" Seungmin asks.

As you rub your neck and nod your head yes Seungmin punches your shoulder.

"We just wanted to know where you are?" Jiusng says.

"Why is it just you 2. Where is your boyfriend then?" Changbin asks.

"He stayed back ok... Where yours?" Jisung asks.

Changbin looks at Seungmin and then back at Jisung.

"Umm... do you want to date me?" Seungmin asks.

"Let's give it a try," Changbin says.

"Right here is his boyfriend," Seungmin says pointing to himself.

They all head back and eat their dinner to celebrate their debut.

"Is this all you want to do tonight?" Minho asks.

"What do you mean?" You ask.

"I don't know can we come over?" Minho asks pulling you and Jisung in.

"Ok, but I left my place a mess," you say and you drive them there.

You unlock the door to your apartment and Jisung falls in.

"I did not know when you said it was a mess that it is a mess," Jisung says kicking the cloth on the floor.

"I did not have time to clean since you guys asked me to MC," You protest.

You go to your room and change into your pj's and hand the two boys their pj's to change into.

"What is that my shirt?" Minho asks.

"What she looks cute in it," Jisung says poking your cheek.

After your boyfriends change the 3 of you get into bed and turn on the tv. Jisung hugs and Minho hugs him.

I hope you like this part. I am sorry I have been a while till I post it but I really did not what to post.

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