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(Hari's pov)
Reaching Seoul felt a like a fresh Breeze and i realised that I'll never be able to find that solace with my parents ever in life.
I took a taxi and booked a hotel room as I was getting hungry i really wanted to have ramen so i decided to go to the convenience store.
Walking in Seoul streets again felt so nice
I am definitely sure I'll never leave again
Should I try calling seojun?
Will he pick up?
I  am sure he won't
I walked down to the store and suddenly my eyes went to a a girl and a guy walking together towards me
They looked like a couple
I wish I could take walks with seojun again
I took out my phone and started looking at it when I suddenly bump into someone and lost my balance
But that someone grabbed my wrist from their one hand and other hand on my waist holding me from falling
As i looked up my eyes met the person i have been dying to see
Seojun looked at me shocked not believing his eyes
" Seojun-ah" i said as i regained my position
He let go of me quickly
" Let's go ju-kyung" he said as my fell onto the girl next to him who was ju-kyung
He took her hand and started walking away
" Seojun that's Hari wait" I heard ju-kyung say as she tried to look at me but seojun kept dragging her away
I ran to up to him to block his way as tears escaped my eyes
" Seojun just please listen to me" i said without making any eye contact with him
I am ashamed
" Sorry I don't have the time" he said dragging ju-kyung with him
I catched up to him again as i grabbed his wrist and looked at him finally my eyes burning hot from tears
" Please just once seojun just listen to me, I won't ask you to understand me please just look at me once" I said as I held onto his wrist and my knees felt weak so I just sat down still holding onto his hand
He took his hand away from mine and walked aside from me
" Ju-kyung let's go" he said
" Hari you should go home for now I'll see you tomorrow okay, I'll text you just go home for now" ju-kyung said as she Patted my back
I nodded and got up
I saw seojun walked away as my heart shattered to pieces.

I went back to the hotel room and laid down on the bed as I fell asleep
I opened my eyes as my phone rang
I saw ju-kyung's calling me
I quickly picked it up
" Hello" i said my voice still hoarse from crying too much last night
" Hello Hari are you okay?" She asked
" Yes I'm okay ju-kyung" I said getting up from the bed and walking to put the curtains aside for the sunlight to come in
" Did you have breakfast yet? If not you want to have breakfast with me ?" She said
" Sure" I said
" Okay I'll text you the cafe address see you there in 10 minutes" she said
I hummed a yes and quickly got ready and reached the cafe
I saw ju-kyung and went quickly and hugged her
" I missed you Hari" she said
" I missed you too ju-kyung" i replied
We both ordered pancakes and coffee and settled down
" How is seojun?" I asked her
She smiled slightly
" Well he tries to pretend he is fine" she said taking a sip of her coffee
I looked down ashamed
" I'm sorry about you and suho" I told her
" Don't be. Hari-ah seojun broke down many times in front of me because he Missed you too much and one day when he told me that he was going to break up with you i was shocked i tried convincing him not to do what happened with me and suho but he still ended up doing it. I still remember he didn't have anything to eat for 2 days straight after he broke up with you." She said looking at me
" I don't deserve him ju-kyung i was so selfish that i left him here not even once I thought what he will go through " i said my voice breaking
" Hari-ah it's true you broke his heart but he needs you more then anything, i  know he walked away yesterday like that because it was absolutely shocking for him to see you after 2 years suddenly,.he had a panic attack after he walked away like that yesterday but I can assure you he really wanted to hug you so bad" she said as she put her hand over mine
" Do you think he'll ever want me to be with him again?" I asked
" Ofcourse I'm telling you even at this point he must be dying to see you again " she said smiling making me smile too
" But Hari if you'll leave again i Suggest you don't hurt him again " she said
" I'm not going anywhere ju-kyung, I'm staying here for the rest of my life" i said looking at her
She smiled and hugged me over the table.

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