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(Hari's pov)

The next days of school were pretty hectic with exams going on.
Today our report card was given I am pretty happy with my score.

I was going back home with seojun tagging along with me
" Aren't you hanging out with me a little too much these days?" I asked him
He smiled " even though you are very annoying it's fun hanging out with you" he said
I scoffed and hit his shoulder playfully
" What was that for?" He asked
" Serves you right for calling me annoying" I said smiling
He laughed and we headed home
I was putting my passcode on the door when seojun called me out
" Hari-ah will you come over tomorrow after school just to hang out " he said
I am starstruck, he is asking me to hang out with him
I gulped " sure I'll come " I said as i went inside quickly because I couldn't catch my breath
I can't sleep I'm smiling from ear to ear
This night has to end quickly so i can see him tomorrow

(Seojun's pov)
After suggesting Hari to come over tomorrow which was cho rang's idea.
I think I have started to like Hari,I mean I've always liked her but these days it has been a  little too overwhelming to see her
I get crazy heart aches when I see her talking with that junho guy and whenever she smiles at me or tells me to do something
I was telling this to cho rang and he told me to test it out if I like her in that sense but now I'm forgetting the next part. I did call her over but how do I test if I like her? Cho rang that dumb kid made me do something without even actually telling me the next step but atleast i get to see her tomorrow
i happily got in the apartment.
" What are you smiling for?" Go woon asked me making me bring back to reality
I shaked my head " it's nothing" I said

(Hari's pov)
I  reached my apartment building after hanging out with soo-ah and taehoon for a bit and saw seojun's bike outside
I guess he is home already
I quickly went back to my apartment and texted seojun  that I'll come over in few minutes
He responded with 'okay'
I smiled and quickly and took a shower after that i tried to find out my best outfit
I changed seven outfit after finally deciding on one
I walked to his apartment door and ringed the bell
The door opened " Unnie what are you doing here?" Go woon asked
" Seojun called me over" i simply said as she gave me space to enter
She smiled giving me a nudge on the elbow
" Stop " I told her as my eyes fell on ju-kyung
" Ju-kyung ah?" I called out her name
"  Hari-ah hi" she said giving a small wave
I waved back at her
" What are you both upto?" I asked
" Ju- Kyung Unnie is helping me with my makeup" go woon said showing me her face
I smiled " you look pretty go woon, can you help me sometime too ju-kyung?" I asked her
She smiled " ofcourse" she said
I nodded and smiled back
" Where's seojun?" I asked him go woon she pointed at his room
" You both enjoy " I said to them
" No you both enjoy " suddenly ju-kyung said smirking and they both started gigling
" Stop it will you" I said smiling nervously
I opened his door and saw him standing there
Wait he is only in his sweatpants
He is shirtless
Oh my god
I close the door behind me as I stand there shocked
He turned around giving me a clear image of his abs and his hair are still a bit wet
I guess he just took a shower
I gulped
" Shouldn't you be knocking first" he said smirking
" I didn't thought you'd be half naked" i said nervously
" I'll leave" I said and was about to go when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.
" It's okay just give me a minute" he said
I nodded and stood next to him near his bed
" Wait there is something in your hair" he suddenly said as he was about to touch me
I stepped back but I lost my balance
I was trying to hold onto something and the best thing I could grab was seojun's arm
Wow really not a good choice
Now we both are on his bed
He is hovering above me
His face close to my face
His one hand on my waist
The other resting on the side my head
My hand grabbing his upper arm
I didn't know he was this fit
He looks at me
We both were looking at each other for too long just to  'friends '
He is lowering his face to mine
I close my eyes waiting for his lips to touch mine
Still waiting
Still waiting
Suddenly the door flung open
" Are you having that kind of fun already?" Go woon said
Seojun quickly got up
" Don't you know how to knock?" He yelled and left the room
I'm still lying on the bed
Looking at the ceiling
" Unnie do you need  water or anything?" Go woon asked
" Just give me sometime I'll be out in a minute" I said motioning her to give me a second Alone
After few minutes I went out but I don't see seojun or ju-kyung
" Where did they both go?" I asked go woon
" Ju-kyung Unnie was going home so I told oppa to walk her to the bus stop" she said
Okay wow he left me alone in there after almost kissing me.
Stupid me maybe he wasn't going to kiss me and I was imagining it all along
He must have been weirded out
" I'll go too now" i said to her
She tried to stop me but I was too much in my feelings to talk
I went back home and slept trying to think of way to avoid seojun.

(Seojun's pov)
Why did go woon had to come in exactly in that moment
I almost kissed her
What if she doesn't want to kiss me
What if I freaked her out
Is that why she wasn't coming out of the room
I was walking ju Kyung to bus stop
" Do you like Hari?" She suddenly asked
" Why do you care?" I said trying to hide my blushing face
Ofcourse I like her
Whats there not to like
She is smart
She is pretty
She treats everyone nicley
She treats my sister like her own
She went to the hospital everyday to check on my mom
She helped me everytime I was sad
She is everything i could even ask for
" Look at you trying to hide it, you do know everyone in school knows that you are  always looking at her?" She said
Do I make it obvious?
" Whatever, get home safely " I told her as we reached the bus stop
She nodded
As I was leaving she called me out
" Seojun make sure to tell yourself first that you like her before you tell her" she said
Whats that supposed to mean
I shrugged and went back home

(Hari's pov)
Thank god tomorrow there is no school so I don't have to see seojun.
After spending all day at home i decided to go out.
I was shopping around because my birthday was coming
I like to give myself a big treat because nobody else does
I didn't liked anything in the store so I was leaving when I saw ju-kyung
" Lim ju-kyung" i called out her name
She turned around and smiled
" Oh hari-ah are you getting something?" She asked as she walked towards me
" Yes, but couldn't find anything, do you want to get something to drink?" I asked her
She nodded, she said she knew a good place and we decided to take a shortcut through the alleyway
Bad choice

" Wow look what we have here boys" sung yong said smiling with his stupid teeth
I grabbed ju-kyung's hand who was almost shaking in fear and turned around to walk away but all of the guys made a circle around us
I looked at ju-kyung to run but the guys grabbed us
They forcefully took us to the karaoke bar
And made us sit
" Whose phone should I use to call soejun?" He asked
" How about you take my phone and call a fucking mental hospital you jerk " I said yelling at his face
Ju-kyung grabbed my arm out of fear
" Just as daring as soejun you are Hari,i have always liked you for it" he said stroking my hair
I slapped his hand away
" Let's just use her phone " he said pointing to ju-kyung
We couldn't do anything against so many of them so i just had to sit tight till something came to my mind.
He called soejun through ju-kyung's phone
" Han soejun guess who I have with me today, come quickly to the karoke bar if you want to take them back home" he said
Cheeky bastard.
After cutting the call he went to sing and dance with his friends and ju Kyung has the idea to call soo-ah
I hope they heard us and quickly come.

(Seojun's pov)
I was talking with suho when suddenly my phone rang
I saw ju-kyung calling me
I picked it up only to hear sung yong voice.
This asshole never learns his lesson
" Come to the karoke bar quickly if you want to take them back home" he said
Is Hari also there
I'll kill this bastard
He cut the call and  suho looked at me
I told him and now we both are running to the bar.
As soon as we reach and i opened the door i see his arm over Hari's shoulder and ju-kyung sitting there scared
" You jerk" i yelled and ran to him
I grabbed his collar and punched him as  hard as i could
Hari placed her hand on my knuckles
" Stop it, let's just go home" she said tears forming in he eyes
How scared she must have been
This asshole I'll definitely end him
He escaped my grip and all of them ran away
I looked at hari who was shaking a bit
I checked over to see if ju-kyung was okay too
I saw suho comforting her
So I brought my attention back to Hari
She looked at me
I couldn't do anything but pull her in a tight hug
I grabbed her waist and pulled her in
She slowly put her arms around my neck and got closer and hugged me with all of might
" I was scared" she said quietly
" I know i know but I'm here now let's get you home" i told her
I took her home and put her in bed and waited until she fell asleep
I like her
Now I know what ju-kyung meant
I needed to be sure if I like her or not before telling her
And I'm one hundred and ten percent sure
That i like her
But I am not sure if she does too
But I wish to tell her that i like her
That I want to be with her.
I'll wait till she wants to

Author's note:
Here's another update
Will post next chapter soon

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