Chapter 16

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I finished curling the last piece of my hair and applied some lipgloss. I was ready to go.

I took one last look in the mirror, Jean shorts and a blue cropped top with gold jewelry.

As I was about to walk out I hear a knock on the door. I turn to see Jeremiah in the doorway.

"Hey" I say.

"Hello. I just wanted to come by and say you played really amazing today" he says.

"Aw thanks Jere. You put in great effort too" I say laughing placing my hand on his shoulder.

"I try" he shrugs scrunching up his nose. "I also wanted to come and apologize. I know we're made up already but I was a real dick to you in the beginning of summer and I want to say I'm sorry again"

"It's okay Jere. We both had our wrongs" I say "you don't have to make it up or anything. I still love you for you"

"Can I take you to the summer dance?" He asks.

I freeze for a moment. I just kissed his brother earlier but now that he was standing in front of me. He wanted me. He was emotionally available and didn't deny any chemistry we had. And he was beautiful.

I nod my head yes. He smiles.

He leans down and I kiss him. It's short and sweet. We both smile at each other after.

"I'm gonna head out for a swim but you look like you have places to be. So uh, have fun" he says.

"Thanks. I will" I say. He walks out the door.

I smiled and grabbed my phone heading out.

I got down to the kitchen where my mom, Conrad and Susannah were all sitting.

"Where are you going?" My mom asks.

"Christy invited me to hangout on her friends boat" I say "I think a lot of the girls going are from the tournament today"

"Oh that sounds nice" my mom says.

"I'm sure they're all very nice girls" Susannah says.

I nod. "Well I'll see you all later"

I grab a piece of gum and walk out the door. I decided to walk as it wasn't that far away.

Once I arrive I'm immediately noticed.

"Hey girl!" Christy says walking up and kissing my cheek.

"You look cute" Nicole says with a side eye.

"Yeah super cute" another girl sitting there says.

"Shall we get going?" A girl I recognized from parties before says.

"Yes!" We all yell and laugh.

Once we're on the boat we all sit down with a glass of champagne.

"You were great today" one of the girls says too me.

"Yeah like super amazing" Christy chimes in "Jack had lots to say about you"

"Ooh like what? You guys like just broke up right?" Nicole comes closer.

"All good things" christy says. "But you guys broke up because of Conrad right?"

"Well- not like technically" I respond.

"Omg it's totally because of Conrad" a girl squeals.

"Oh no- Conrad and I aren't like a thing" I laugh uncomfortably.

"Girl you don't have to lie, I watched him kiss you after you guys won the game today!" Christy says.

"Oh- that was like an in the moment thing" I laugh.

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