Chapter 20

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I arrived back at Cousins later that evening and mentally prepared for the screaming and scolding I was about to endure.

I walked in and Susannah and my mom were sitting at the kitchen table. My mom gave me a stern glance before getting up.

"ARE YOU CRAZY? What were you thinking?" She yells at me. "That was the most unsafe thing you've ever done!"

"I know- I'm sorry I was really irresponsible" I say.

"Irresponsible doesn't begin to cover it! You worried everyone in this house! Christ, you made Conrad drive multiple hours to come pick you up!" My mom continues to yell at me. "It's ridiculous!"

"I know and I'm sorry. It will never ever happen again" I say.

"You're damn right in won't. You will not leave this house for the next week! You will instead help Susannah and I out around the house" my mom grabs my car keys from the table. "Now go up to your room and stay there"

I nod and go upstairs and sit in my room. I wait for a knock on my door which comes a half hour later.

Jeremiah walks in and hugs me. "I'm so glad your okay. I was so worried"

"I'm all good. Just a little drunk" I laugh.

"A little?" Jeremiah laughs. I laugh too and he hugs me.

"How about we go for ice cream? You know, like we did the first night you were here?" He asks.

"I'm sorry Jere but I'm technically not allowed to leave the house for a week" I laugh "but you can always go get some and bring it back and we can watch a movie"

"Mhm that sounds pretty good M'lady" Jeremiah kisses my hand "chocolate?"

"Chocolate" I assure him and he smiles kissing my cheek and then walking out of my bedroom.

I sit there for another moment on my bed when I hear the front door open and close. Jeremiah is gone.

I look out my window at the back deck where Belly is swimming and the moms are reading. Steven must be at work.

I lay down on my bed and text Sarah asking how she is and letting her know I got home safe. I'd call her eventually and tell her everything that happened.

I close my eyes and rerun through the past 24 hour events.

Conrad came and got me, then we slept in the same hotel bed, in the morning we made out, than I take a call from Jeremiah and he gets jealous and blows up on me, we fight, I leave.

Damn. That's 24 hours for the history books.

I get up and brush my hair then go into the bathroom and brush my teeth and shower. I needed it.

Once I get out I go in my room and change. I then grab my phone and start to walk out of my room to head downstairs. When I see Conrad coming up the stairs.

He glances at me.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier. Thank you for coming to get me" I say as he walks past.

He doesn't say a word and walks into his room and slams the door. If that's how it's gonna be I'm okay with it.

I walk downstairs to find Jeremiah walking through the front door with ice cream.

"For you" He says handing me chocolate.

"You're the best" I laugh and he smiles at me, his curls resting on his forehead.

"How about once everybody goes too sleep we go for a swim?" He whispers in my ear. I nod my head smiling. He kisses the side of my head and we eat our ice cream while watching TV.

The moms and Belly walk in a few moments later followed by Stevens arrival.

"Hey! You made it home alive" Steven says coming to pat me on the back.

"Yes she's very lucky to have done so. She's very lucky Conrad went without a second thought" my mom says rubbing my shoulders.

"I know" I say.

"Connie was so worried" Susannah chuckles with my mom. "I've never seen that boy leave the house so fast. He really cares for you"

I nod my head. I knew he didn't.

"Well I'm going to bed" my mom says.

"Me too" Belly says with a side at looking at Jeremiah and I.

"Well I guess I'll go as well than. Don't stay up too late loves" Susannah says.

"We'll go up to" I say grabbing Jeremiah's hand.

"Oh, yeah I probably should as well" Steven says "I have the early shift tomorrow at work"

We all head up and once I close my room door I switch into my bathing suit. It's purple and has little lace on the edges.

I get a text from Jeremiah a few minutes later. He says he's already downstairs and too come join him. I laugh.

I quietly walk out of my room and down the steps. I walk outside with my towel and place it on a chair. I look at Jeremiah sitting on the side of the pool and for a moment I get deja vu.

This was just like that night with Conrad. I feel sick for a moment.

"Come play" Jeremiah says and I smile at him heading down to the pool. I get in and he slides into it.

We dunk our heads and then once we rise above water again we stare at each other for a few moments.

Jeremiah smiles at me.

"What?" I laugh "do I have ice cream on my face?"

"No-No it's nothing" he says.

"Nooo tell me" I say keeping the space between us for now.

"It's just- I think you're so beautiful. I know or at least I think- deep down you only see me as a friend. I just- I've always wanted us too just be more than a summer thing" he says.

"Oh Jere-I like you" I say.

"But Conrad has always come first. Always. You'd choose him over me any day and don't lie" Jeremiah looks at me.

"No-Jere. Him and I aren't anything and we will never be anything. Ever. You saw the way he acted this summer. Like a complete asshole" I say.

"So-do you think you could ever you know-put me first? Like me that way?" He asks.

I nod my head. "Yes"

He smiles at me and grabs my hand under the water. I look up at him and he pulls me closer.

I wondered if this kiss would be anything like the one Conrad and I shared. This was our sacred moment. Our first ever kiss. Now I was doing the same with his brother.

Jeremiah kisses me and I kiss him back. I place my hand around his neck as he picks me up adjusting me to be around his waist.

He holds my back as we continue to kiss. We were fully wrapped around each other and out of breathe.

We continue making out in the pool. Everything seemed right in that moment. I knew summer was going to be okay.


I walked downstairs to get some water before I went to bed. I noticed movement in the pool so I walked to the sliding door and looked out.

There they were. Jeremiah and Y/N making out in the pool. Wrapped around each other.

Jeremiah was kissing her like she was the only girl he'd ever actually wanted to kiss. She was loving every second of it. Smiling at him. The same very lips had just been on mine earlier today.

My face gets hot and my fist are balled up. I couldn't be mad though. This is what I told her to do.

I watch them for a moment longer than leave and go back to my room. I was having to face the consequences of my actions.

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