Chapter 14

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I watched her head outside at 1AM and walk to the dock. Fireworks were still going off.

She stood there watching the fireworks light up the sky. I watched from my bedroom window admiring her. My head was pounding as I remembered what she had said to me earlier.

She loved me despite all my flaws. She wanted me even after everything.

I don't know if it was her or the drinks talking but I really didn't care.

I walked out of my room and down to the living room where my mom was laying on the couch. She was asleep. I placed a blanket on her and kissed her forehead.

As I was walking back into the kitchen from the living room I looked out the window.

I looked at her for a moment. I opened the door and walked out to the deck.

"They're really nice this year" she says.

"They're nice every year" I reply.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I was drunk and don't really remember exactly what I said but I'm sure it wasn't very nice. I didn't mean to cause a scene" she whispers.

"No- you didn't. It's okay I-I'm sorry" I say even more quiet.

I turn towards her for a moment. She's starring up at the sky as the finale of the firework show begins.

She looks at me for a moment, puffing out her lips.

I lean down placing my lips on hers. I give her a soft kiss. I'm not sure she kisses me back. I pulled away after a moment.

She starred at me in shock then kissed me softly again and I placed my hand on her cheek.

"You're the most beautiful girl in the world" I say to her not breaking any kind of eye contact.

"I'm sorry Conrad but I can't do this. Whatever this is that you're trying to do I'm sorry. I'm not waiting for you anymore" she says then runs off the dock leaving me stranded.

This was the end.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket texting Nicole to come over. I needed too let this feeling go on someone else.

She arrived a few minutes later and I led her up to my room. We fucked for two rounds. I didn't care how loud we were. I wanted her too hear.

Nicole left early the next morning.


I couldn't fall asleep that night due to the loud moans and headboard banging against the wall from Conrad's room.

I knew he would pull some stupid shit like that. That's why I was done. I didn't want him or need him anymore.

I walked downstairs to get breakfast and found Jeremiah and Steven sitting there with Belly.

"Whatcha all dressed up for?" I asked.

"I'm going on a date with Cameron. We're going to this really fancy beach restaurant" Belly responds.

"I'm headed to work" Jeremiah laughs.

"Yeah I actually better be headed off too" Belly says checking the time.

"Alright, well have fun!" I say.

They both go which leaves Steven at the table.

"Do you know what's been going on with Conrad?" He asks me quietly.

"What last Night? I'm sure it was that bitch from the beach. You could hear it all the way in your room? Gross" I say shaking my head pouring myself some iced tea.

When August EndsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz